Monday, September 30, 2019
Shallow Foundation
Shallow foundations Shallow foundations are those founded near to the finished ground surface; generally where the founding depth (Df) is less than the width of the footing and less than 3m. These are not strict rules, but merely guidelines: basically, if surface loading or other surface conditions will affect the bearing capacity of a foundation it is ‘shallow'. Shallow foundations (sometimes called ‘spread footings') include pads (‘isolated footings'), strip footings and rafts.Shallows foundations are used when surface soils are sufficiently strong and stiff to support the imposed loads; they are generally unsuitable in weak or highly compressible soils, such as poorly-compacted fill, peat, recent lacustrine and alluvial deposits, etc. Pad foundations Pad foundations are used to support an individual point load such as that due to a structural column. They may be circular, square or reactangular. They usually consist of a block or slab of uniform thickness, but th ey may be stepped or haunched if they are required to spread the load from a heavy column.Pad foundations are usually shallow, but deep pad foundations can also be used. Strip foundations Strip foundations are used to support a line of loads, either due to a load-bearing wall, or if a line of columns need supporting where column positions are so close that individual pad foundations would be inappropriate. The main area of strip foundation are buildings with heavy walls (brick, concrete, stone), and heavy floor slabs. Strip foundation is located on the perimeter exterior walls, and placed under the supporting inner walls of buildings or other areas with increased load.Also strip foundation is well-suited for homes, which is planned to create basement, garage or basement. Strip foundation is also suitable in the case of a possible slight deformation of the base. Typically, strip footing located below the level of soil freezing at 20 cm of sandy soil You can lay the strip foundation a nd higher levels of freezing, but not more than 60 cm from ground level. For deep-freezing and highly swelling soils usually strip foundation shall not apply. Process itself strip foundation construction is simple, on the other hand it requires a fairly high cost of materials and work on the construction of the foundation.There are criteria for the minimum thickness of the foundation, which can be used building a house. Thus, the minimum thickness of reinforced concrete strip foundation – 10 cm of concrete – 25 cm, rubble concrete foundation – 35 cm, well and laying of natural stone – 50 cm in the construction of strip foundation to be also take into account the permissible load on the soil under the foundation. For clay soils at a depth of 80 cm load should not exceed 2 kg/cm2. In addition to pouring the foundation concrete mixtures, often strip foundations erected using ready-made foundation blocks or bricks.This speeds up the process of building a foun dation. It should also be noted that during the construction of strip foundation is an opportunity to save money raising the foundation to the full depth only during the construction of heavy structures. There is still the most reliable option strip foundation remains solid foundation, more time-consuming and requires prior creating formwork and reinforcement training design to increase strength strip foundation. And in this case, the valves must be connected to each other by welding. Raft foundationsRaft foundations are used to spread the load from a structure over a large area, normally the entire area of the structure. They are used when column loads or other structural loads are close together and individual pad foundations would interact. A raft foundation normally consists of a concrete slab which extends over the entire loaded area. It may be stiffened by ribs or beams incorporated into the foundation. Raft foundations have the advantage of reducing differential settlements a s the concrete slab resists differential movements between loading positions.They are often needed on soft or loose soils with low bearing capacity as they can spread the loads over a larger area. Deep foundations * Piles Deep foundations are those founding too deeply below the finished ground surface for their base bearing capacity to be affected by surface conditions, this is usually at depths >3 m below finished ground level. They include piles, piers and caissons or compensated foundations using deep basements and also deep pad or strip foundations. Deep foundations can be used to transfer the loading to a deeper, more competent strata at depth if unsuitable soils are present near the surface.Piles are relatively long, slender members that transmit foundation loads through soil strata of low bearing capacity to deeper soil or rock strata having a high bearing capacity. They are used when for economic, constructional or soil condition considerations it is desirable to transmit lo ads to strata beyond the practical reach of shallow foundations. In addition to supporting structures, piles are also used to anchor structures against uplift forces and to assist structures in resisting lateral and overturning forces.Piers are foundations for carrying a heavy structural load which is constructed insitu in a deep excavation. Caissons are a form of deep foundation which are constructed above ground level, then sunk to the required level by excavating or dredging material from within the caisson. Compensated foundations are deep foundations in which the relief of stress due to excavation is approximately balanced by the applied stress due to the foundation. The net stress applied is therefore very small. A compensated foundation normally comprises a deep basement. Types of pilePiles are often used because adequate bearing capacity can not be found at shallow enough depths to support the structural loads. It is important to understand that piles get support from both e nd bearing and skin friction. The proportion of carrying capacity generated by either end bearing or skin friction depends on the soil conditions. Piles can be used to support various different types of structural loads. End bearing piles End bearing piles are those which terminate in hard, relatively impenetrable material such as rock or very dense sand and gravel.They derive most of their carrying capacity from the resistance of the stratum at the toe of the pile. Friction piles Friction piles obtain a greater part of their carrying capacity by skin friction or adhesion. This tends to occur when piles do not reach an impenetrable stratum but are driven for some distance into a penetrable soil. Their carrying capacity is derived partly from end bearing and partly from skin friction between the embedded surface of the soil and the surrounding soil.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Chapter 10 Review Questions Essay
What is the difference between leading and managing a project? Leading involves recognizing and communicating the need to change course and direction of the project, aligning people to this new direction, and motivating the team to overcome obstacles to achieve the new objectives. Managing is about formulating plans and objectives, designing procedures to achieve those objectives, monitoring progress, and taking corrective action. Managing is about putting out fires and maintaining the course. Leading is about change, and altering the course of a project. 2.Why is a conductor of an orchestra an appropriate metaphor for being a project manager? What aspects of project managing are not reflected by this metaphor? Can you think of other metaphors that would be appropriate? There are many parallels between conducting an orchestra and managing a project. Conductors and project managers integrate the contributions of others. Each is dependent upon the expertise and talents of others. They facilitate performance rather than actually perform. Project managers orchestrate the completion of the project by inducing participants to make the right decision at the right time. Both control the pace and intensity of work by coordinating the involvement of players. Finally each has a vision of performance that transcends the music score or project plan. The conductor metaphor works best in describing how a project manager interacts with project members to complete the project. The metaphor fails to capture the intricacies of dealing with all of the project stakeholders (government officials, contractors, top management, customers) that impact the project. Other metaphors that emerge from class discussions include: quarterback, steering wheel, and ship’s captain. 3.What does the exchange model of influence suggest you do to build cooperative relationships to complete a project? According to the exchange model of influence, the primary way to gain cooperation is to provide services and resources to others in exchange for future resources and services (quid pro quo). The key is to find out what you can offer others that is of value to them so that they will feel obligated to reciprocate. Here the notion of influence currencies is useful in identifying different ways to gain cooperation from others. A second key is building a positive â€Å"bank account†with those whom you are dependent upon so that they are inclined to cooperate with you. 4.What differences would you expect to see between the kinds of influence currencies that a project manager in a functional matrix would use and the influence a project manager of a dedicated project team would use? This question is designed to explore the impact that the project management structure has on the ability of project managers to exercise influence over team members. The key point is that the project manager of a dedicated team has more formal authority over the participants and the project and, therefore, greater access to influence currencies than the project manager in a functional matrix. For example, the dedicated project manager is responsible for assigning project work, while functional managers do so in a functional matrix. A dedicated project manager will have greater access to position-related currencies. Since dedicated projects are used for high priority projects, the dedicated project manager is likely to develop inspiration-related currencies. Project managers in a functional matrix compensate for their lack of formal authority by exercising informal influence through the use of relationships and personal currencies. 5.Why is it important to build a relationship before you need it? People are likely to be more cooperative if they know you, and you have developed a personal relationship with them. When people view you as pleasant, credible, and helpful based on past contact, they are more likely to be responsive to your requests for help and less confrontational when problems arise. The key is building a positive credit in the relationship that you can tap into when you need help. 6.Why is it critical to keep the project sponsor informed? The project sponsor is a powerful ally who uses his/her influence to protect the project when it comes under attack in higher circles of management. Project sponsors need to be kept informed so that they can defend the project to the best of their abilities. 7.Why is trust a function of both character and competence? Character alone is not likely to engender trust. People must have confidence in the other person’s abilities and competence. For example, you are unlikely to follow someone who has the best of intentions if he/she has a track record of failing to get things done correctly. Conversely, one will not trust someone who is very competent but has a doubtful character. For example, you are unlikely to follow someone who is quite competent if you believe he/she is only looking out for what is best for him/her. 8.Which of the eight traits/skills associated with being an effective project manager is the most important? The least important? Why? This question is designed to generate discussion rather than a definitive answer. Most students will pick either emotional intelligence, systems thinker, skillful politician, or personal integrity. Having students debate their choices can lead to a spirited discussion, especially between those who picked skillful politician and personal integrity. The key is to get students to think about how these traits relate to being an effective project manager. For example, personal integrity is important because it leads to trust which facilitates more effective interaction. Alternatively, being a skilled politician is necessary to deal with different stakeholders with conflicting agendas. Students should come to the conclusion that while some traits may be more important than others, all are important to being an effective project manager.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Church and State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Church and State - Essay Example It guarantees that individuals have freedom of religious expression and practice and the government will not recognize any one faith as more valid than others or will not promote religion over secularism. More and more clarifications were added as and when cases of use of public property for displaying religious objects or use of public places to promote religious idea started coming in. In Lynch V. Donnelly Case : No. 82-1256 (1983-1984) (Hirsley 1991), there was a dispute on use of religious symbols in public places. The City of Pawtucket RI erected a Christmas display as part of its celebration during Christmas festival. The display included a 'creche' that consisted of tradition figures of Infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The district court found it against the First Amendment and ordered its removal but in the landmark judgment by Supreme Court, they held that in spite of its religious significance the City of Pawtucket did not violate the Establishment clause and allowed the crche to remain on display. It observed that an absolute separation is not possible between Government and religion. In another important case: Engel v. Vitale, 370 US 421 (1962), there was a dispute over the rendering of religious prayers in schools. A group of parents challenged the prayer as "contrary to the beliefs, religions, or religious practices of both themselves and their children." The state's highest court upheld the use of the prayer, on the grounds that state law did not force any student to join in the prayer over a parent's objections. But the Supreme Court found it against the spirit of Establishment clause. This again caused a lot of furor and led to many a debate in the society. In the same vein, the issue of congressional prayers also led to lot of discussions. There has been a long-standing practice of saying prayers before the start of legislative sessions in many states. For e.g. In Maine a clergy member suggested by the lawmaker leads the prayer. Most prayers are brief and ask for God's guidance. A 1983 U.S. Supreme Court decision found that legislative prayers do not violate the principle of separation of church and state. The court described the longstanding practice as a "tolerable acknowledgement of beliefs." In Conclusion, we can safely say that though Religion and State should be kept separate, it is not possible to have absolute separation and some connection between the two in inevitable. References: Daniel L. Dreisbach. Thomas Jefferson and the Wall of Separation Between Church and State , New York University Press, 2003) " Everson v. Board of education", 1947 Hirsley, Michael. "Religious Display Needs Firm Court."Chicago Tribune, 20 December 1991. Kilman, J. & Costello, G. (Eds). (2000). The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation. List of United States Supreme Court Cases, Volume 370 "Lynch V. Donnelly", 1983 Thomas Jefferson: Writings: Autobiography / Notes on the State of Virginia /
Friday, September 27, 2019
Economic growth Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Economic growth - Assignment Example Viele Accounting. Pg 224-225, Question p6 a) Truck 28200 Notes Payable 28200 b) Truck 28200 Capital lease liability (4.6229 * 6100) 28200 Depreciation Expense 4700 Accumulated Depreciation 4700 c) Interest Expense 2256 Capital Lease Liability 3844 Cash 6100 d) The expenses for the first year are Interest Expense and Depreciation = 2256 + 4700 = $6956 Somers and Seville. Exploration 8. Chapter 6 pg 118. a) 67.38 is the population in our base year 1980. We are considering the growth rate from this year which is around 102% or 1.206. This shows the rate of increase in population each year from 1980. b) 67.38. (1.206)^10 = 438.53 Million. McConnell and Brue pg 151. Chapter 8. Study Question 1 and 2. Real GDP growth Rate = (31200-30000)/30000 * 100 = 4% GDP per Capita in year 1 = 30000/100 = 300 GDP Per Capital in year 2 = 31200/102 = 305.9 GDP per capita growth = (305.9-300)/300 = 1.96% Economic growth is a measure of the increase in the productive potential of a country. It is important because it reduces or lessens the problem of scarcity. Since it helps the economy to produce more, more goods are produced and everyone has more goods for consumption and as a result, living standard in the economy increases. This is why economists rate economic growth as a matter of great importance. We can use the 70 rule to determine the effect of the difference between 2.5 and 3 percent of economic growth over few decades. If an economy is growing at 2.5%, the economic growth or total output will double from the current level in 70/2.5= 28 years.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Annotated Bibliography for Africa's Hunger Essay
Annotated Bibliography for Africa's Hunger - Essay Example This has made it impossible for some African countries because they lack personnel to work in industries for production of food. For this reason, the rate of poverty still goes high as people do not earn an income. HIV/AIDS has resulted further to deaths resulting in desperation amongst some Africans to the extent that they are discouraged to work and produce food. In the end, they die of hunger. The contents of this newspaper article give information on how this situation has become life threatening in Africa. Hunger in Africa: Hearing before the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, Second Session, March 1, 1984. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1984. Print. This book was written following a hearing that had been held in 1984, on the basis of African affairs; inclusive of the hunger problem that had started become a problem in the continent. They spoke of the unfair trade markets and how it affected the peopleâ €™s trading of goods across continents Unfair trade markets has also contributed to hunger in one way or another, the exportation of food crops has become very lucrative in Africa, but the problem arises because the crops being exported are being underpaid and the freight charges are high. This still hinders the growth of GDP. It contributes to hunger as it increases the rate of hunger in the population due to poverty. Pantaleo, C. and S. Jaspars. Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies, Oxfam Skills and Practice series, Oxford: Oxfam. (2005). Print. C. Pantaleo has written this book on how the aids are distributed and how effectively that should be done. He speaks of Africa’s dependency on some of his funding. Dependence on donor funding has made more people in Africa not work for their food. They do not look for sustainable measures to end poverty and food insecurity in their regions. The wait for donor funding and food aids from the various donors for their survival. He mentions that this is what is pulling down Africa in terms of being funded throughout and not working on sustainable means of survival. Karapinar, Baris and Christian Haberli. Food Crises and the WTO: World Trade Forum. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2010. Print. B. Karapinar wrote a book that capitalized on issues to do with the food crises in Africa. He mentioned the dire effects of the hunger in the continent. He gave a brief explanation on what this crisis entails and its relations with the WTO. The results of hunger in some of these regions are death due to starvation, malnutrition in children and adults due to lack of nutritious foods; there is a loss of population that is brought about by the deaths that occur due to hunger, the economy is crippled even more because of poverty. Hunger also makes people to migrate a lot as they evade the death due to hunger. There is loss of biodiversity and habitat disturbance that come about due to cutting down of trees by people to grow fo od crops. The latter also brings about human wildlife conflict as a result of deforestation too. People end up encroaching forested areas as they search for fertile lands to grow their foods. Child mortality due to hunger also increases. Diseases caused by hunger have become rampant due to the condition, for example, children get malnourished and eventually die. For example, in East Africa, Kenya, there have been instances when people died of hunger in Turkana. Lavy,
Studying in U.K V.s studying in U.S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Studying in U.K V.s studying in U.S - Essay Example Both countries are extremely large, though American obviously larger, which means they have a variety of schools that serve a variety of different purposes. In terms of top-range schools, America has world-renowned schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, University of California Los Angeles and so on, while the United Kingdom has such renowned schools as the Oxford, Yale, and the London School of Economics. At lower tiers each country as a variety of schools as well, meaning that anyone will be able to get whatever educational quality they wand and can manage from either country, as the educational qualities of schools are largely similar. Similarly, both countries have schools that are well known world-wide, and American and UK educations tend to be well regarded internationally. While America and The United Kingdom are very similar in terms of educational quality, the two countries and their universities can be extremely different in terms of culture. One must remember that wherever one studies one will be doing much more than simply going to school, so the people in the culture where you attend university will be extremely important. America is a much more conservative country, and in some ways more isolated from the rest of the world, whereas the UK as a more liberal, though also more strongly hierarchical, society. The cultures of America and the UK are very different, and one must take that in to account when deciding which schools would be better to attend. Finally, one must always consider cost when determining where to study. While the educational quality may be very similar in America and the United Kingdom, one has to look at education as an investment – what you get at what cost you can get it. In America, most of the best schools are private institutions that receive little or no government funding, while in the UK they are almost entirely public and thus very affordable for people from that
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham jail Essay
Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham jail - Essay Example It was through bold and inspirational speeches that King established a reputation as a great orator. However, this also painted him a radical and subject to federal surveillance for the rest of his life. In addition, King is recognized for his phlegmatic way of approaching crisis as he advocated for the rights of all. Martin Luther King Jr represented the African-American community, but in essence, this translates to all minority communities who lived an oppressed life. This oppression came about following colonization and the slave trade where the rights of those perceived to a weak community were subjected to a wide range of discrimination. Segregation and discrimination with regard to race, gender and education were outlawed following advocacy for civil rights. This marks a critical step towards generating independence among communities. This clearly illustrates that even as King fought for the rights of African-Americans, the benefits would be felt across different communities bo th regionally and nationally. King mounted a challenge to oppression by defying the status quo, which eventually got support from other members of the community other than African-Americans. ... Martin Luther King is no exception as highlighted in most of his speeches and letters, particularly the letter from Birmingham jail, which is the subject of this paper. This paper seeks to illustrate the means of persuasion applied in King’s letter from Birmingham jail. In the wake of his struggles to advocate for equal civil rights, King was arrested for his participation in the Birmingham campaign in Alabama. The campaign was organised by King’s organisation, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which saw a series of peaceful demonstrations against segregation. It is following the protests that he was arrested and his actions criticised by clergymen who published a letter terming his actions as unwise. In their letter, the religious leaders disapproved the position taken to hold the demonstrations, which in their view, imposed immerse tension in Birmingham. They also disapproved the timing of the demonstrations since the courts had previously issued an injunc tion to prohibit civil marches in Birmingham streets. The letter from Birmingham jail was in response to the sentiments expressed by the clergymen and aimed at justifying the need for action against prevailing civil injustices. It is in this letter that King employs Aristotle's rhetoric modes of persuasion to counter argument his audience’s recount of events, which appeal to ethos, pathos and logos. In the letter, King defends his reputation and wisdom by illustrating the need for action, which is in line with ethos before trying to arouse the emotions of his audience. He finally presents testimony and quotations from important thinkers and leaders of the time while appealing to the audiences’ logic. The effective
Monday, September 23, 2019
What It Means To Be Human Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
What It Means To Be Human - Research Paper Example The human being is comprised of a complex amount of systems and characteristics hence can be defined from numerous perspectives. Many philosophers have expressed different view points on the subject matter. This paper will analyze the view points of Willard and Aquinas. Dallas Willard expresses his view points through cultural shifts, classical philosophy and modernity. In the process he investigates and analyzes arguments concerning human nature and derives the conclusion that humans were are solely distinguished by their ability to love and be loved and to serve and be served by others. Thomas Aquinas viewed human nature as a paradox, with the defining trait of dividing between spirit and matter. The paper will compare and contrast the different view points of these philosophers and how they argue and support their view points. Thomas Aquinas perceives the link between consciousness and matter ‘as humanity’s desire for God as an expression for the life of the trinityâ €™ (Beattie, 2012). Humans are the only living species who have the ability to differentiate their existence between spirit and matter. This is a defining characteristic as humans are able to differentiate themselves for other animals. ... perspective provides insight on the subject matter as the ability to value the meaning of life allows humanity to preserve it and create a society which is guided by boundaries which enable the preservation of life. This is a well structured argument as this is present in the human society and has not been defined as a trait in other species. The ability of separation of an inner self the physical being also enables one to act upon the means that cater for ideal conditions in society. Humanity also has the ability to ‘utilize its intellect to transcend its material confines with a unique imagination and freedom’ (Beattie, 2012). The modern philosophical referral to this matter is known as the problem of consciousness. The theory of evolution fails to explain the ability of one species, humans, to develop a conscience. Many philosophers agree with Aquinas’ viewpoint as they accept the ideology that the ability of mankind to question his very being and try to find w ays to study and analyze reason for his existence and that of other species (Rose, 2008). Other species do not have the capacity to question their existence and other life forms around them. Most species are naturally aware of their existence and way to carry out their lives to put them at an advantage in their community. However, the complexity of this analogy is only characteristic to humans. Other species analyze their community for survival whilst humans analyze theirs for advancement and improvement of life. The fact that evolution does not show these traits in other species is Aquinas basis in disregarding this concept in the process of defining human beings. It is also his rightful basis on disregarding the ideologies of fellow philosophers such as Immanuel Kant and Rene Descartes who perceive our
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Special Education in United Stated Research Paper
Special Education in United Stated - Research Paper Example lic school enrollment in the 2008-2009 school year, it is also important to note that when compared with the number of students receiving special education services in the 1980-1981 school year, which was 4.1 million, it can only be estimated that more students will need special education services in the coming years (Aud et al, 2011). According to a report done on behalf of the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, special education is defined as â€Å"instruction that is specially designed to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.†A â€Å"disability†can be further defined as a physical disability, mental disability, or even a learning disability, in which while everything appears to be functioning on the outside, inside the head of the student whatever messages are sent are not clearly received, whether these messages involve spoken or written words, and can impair the ability of the student to do things such as speak, read, spel l, write, or calculate numbers at the same pace as their peers (Aud et al, 2011). These learning disabilities are further defined by scientific terms and research, given names such as autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and others (Aud et al, 2011). With the services offered by special education throughout the school systems across the United States today, a means of educating students with any form of disability is now available, and can enable them to not only absorb the information being given to them but also to retain and use that information to their benefit, whether immediately or throughout their life. The individualization of special education is its greatest asset to the educational system, yet it also makes it difficult to give an overall description of what is offered, as well as what it... This paper approves that there can be no doubt that special education has followed its own long and winding road in terms of the services that are offered and the process that takes place. From the days in which those with disabilities were either left to be a burden on their families without a place in the world, to being housed at the expense of others in state institutions, to being allowed to pursue an almost mainstream education alongside their peers, special education has gone from being seen as a social stigma to almost commonplace. This paper makes a conclusion that above all else, a huge debt of thanks and gratitude is owed to the pioneers of special education. To those such as Thomas Gallaudet, who believed that the deaf should not have to grow up in a silent world with no words to sustain them. To John Fisher and Samuel Gridley Howe, who were unwilling to accept that the world of darkness for the blind was the only world they should know. To the politicians and forward-thinkers, the philosophers and the reformers, to everyone who felt that education for all should be the norm, and not an unacceptable, unattainable goal. To those that worked endlessly to make others notice the plight of those left at the mercy of the state, called insane or â€Å"not right†because of disability. No matter what laws are passed, no matter what legislation is put in place and what education is received today because of it, without the people of history and their way of thinking, it would not exist at all.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Motorcycle Inustry Essay Example for Free
Motorcycle Inustry Essay Hero Honda launched CBZ 156cc motorcycle . Bajaj launched Kawasaki, Boxer AT CT . Royal enfield launched machismo A350 and lightning 535 . Kinetic engineering ltd launched Brat and kinetic challenger . 2000: There was a entry of new companies like TVS , Yamaha , (Lohia Motors) . Hero Honda launched Joy, Passion , and a remodeled Street. Bajaj launched KB Eliminator , KB Caliber Chroma , KB Aspire and KB Acer . LML came up with Adreno and Energy . Escorts Yamaha launched Crux and TVS Group launched Fiero . 2001: Bajaj launched the Pulsar range . TVS launched Victor 110cc . Yamaha upgraded the Crux version with Crux R. Kinetic engineering launched the GF125 and GF150. Background note:- Indian two wheeler market is divided into three major segments :- India is the 2nd largest user and 3rd largest manufacturer of two wheelers in the world. Bajaj Auto laid the foundation of the Indian two wheelers industry in 1948 by trading in imported Vespa scooters. Change in the Trend: Scooters dominated the Indian market till 1990. Thus till 1990 Bajaj was the undisputed leader in scooter market followed by LML Kinetic . After the Liberalisation , privatization and globalization , many companies entered into joint ventures and technical collaborations with foreign companies lke Honda , Suzuki , Yamaha etc. Due to introduction of 100-cc motorcycles an intersegment shift began to start which resulted in the decline in the sales of the motorcycles. Due to delayed launch of new and advanced scooter models , four stroke scooters prone to skidding risk and vibrations etc the demand for motorcycled went up. This demand was mainly driven by rural and semi-urban comsumers. In 2000 , the motorcycle market was characterized by the presence of sub segments based on price :- The Motorcycle Story:- In 1980’s factors namely high running and maintenance cost , perception that motorcycle is more suitable for rural roads , high price of motorcycle in comparison with mopeds or scooters and the availability of fairly new models of scooter led to a sharp decline in the growth of motorcycle segment. De-licensing in the motorcycle industry in mid-1980’s came to their rescue , and hence there was a healthy growth in the sales figure. In 1990 , motorcycle industry witnessed recession because of rising fuel prices , high input cost and reduced purchasing power due to significant rise in general price level and liquidity crisis in comsumer financing. In 1992 companies suffered big time . Entry of new players in the motorcycle market led to losses or fall in profits. In 1993, launch of 100-cc motorcycles led to a inter-segment shift began to take place and motorcycles sales began to grow as a result of flag in the recession. In 1999 , there was a big shift from demand of scooters to the demand of Motorcycles. This shift was mainly attributed tpo the change in customer’s preference towards fuel-efficient and appealing models, delay in launch of new scooters etc. PESTLE ANALYSIS :- Pestle analysis is a tool that can aid the organization in making strategies which will help them understand the external environment in which they operate now and will operate in the future. PESTLE FLOWCHART PESTLE Political/Legal:- 1. Restrictive policy of the govt. towards the car industry in the pre liberalization era . This indirectly helped the motorcycle industry to develop . 2. Delicensing of the automobile sector in mid 1980’s . This led to the entry of foreign players in the automobile industry 3. Break up of the joint venture between -Escorts Yamaha -TVS Suzuki -Hero Motors Honda Motors Due to these break ups Indian Companies were forced to invest in R D for manufacturing indigenously develop models Economical:- 1. High running and maintenance cost . High price of motorcycles in comparison with scooters or mopeds. Due to this companies had to reduce either the quality or had to increase the price of the motorcycles and this resulted in fall in the sales 2. Rise in fuel price high input , reduced purchasing power. This led to increase in the price level and gradually recession. Sociocultural:- 1. Rise in demand for personal transport. This created a demand for two wheelers in the industry 2. Inefficiency of public transportation system made people dissatisfied with it and they demanded some vehicle that could be economical and cater to their needs. 3. Perception that motorcycle were more suitable for the rural roads Availability of fairly new models of scooters. This led to sharp decline in growth of motorcycles . Technological:- 1. Due to Launch of 100-cc motorcycles there was a Intersegment shift and growth of sales figures of motorcycles. 2. Factors like delayed launch of advance scooter models fear of four stroke scooters being prone to increased skidding risks and vibration contributed in the decline in the demand of scooters.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Importance Of Theme In Movies Film Studies Essay
Importance Of Theme In Movies Film Studies Essay Since the cinematography was invented movies became an integral part of our lives. We cannot live without them because they tell us about our and the other peoples life and still every time we watch them we find something new. They tell us about ourselves, that is why movies attract our attention so much. Films are often described as life s visual representation (Tran, 2008). Everything we encounter in our daily undertakings is reflected in numerous movies. Movies create dreams and enjoy people. They depict our everyday life but still cinematography is something fantastic, mysterious and enigmatic. Each and everybody of us can be related and associated with protagonists or antagonists of a movie. We see ourselves in movies, that is why we are so interested in them. We want to find answers to our numerous questions. Every person has his or her own ways and methods of analyzing a movie. But still, there are some generally accepted techniques to analyze a movie. Each movie has a definite number of elements that are aimed at guiding the audience through the whole story (Pollick). Finding them out, analyzing and interpreting them it is possible to evaluate a movie and determine whether it is good or bad, successful or not. Sometimes it is possible to anticipate whether it will live for ages or die the following day. A movie cannot be good or bad by definition. There usually are some elements that make it perfect and overwhelming or uninteresting and boring. Sometimes the most visible elements of a movie are its actors. A disastrous movie can be saved by the perfect performance of some actors or only one of them. But a really good film can be spoiled by the disastrous play of its actors. Sometimes a movie is differentiated from the others with the perfect job of other craftsmen. They perform a lot of different functions in order to make the film finished and perfect for an audience. In order to comprehend the reasons of one films success and another films failure, it is important to know what the collaborative filmmaking is. One person can never make a film successful. There are several important issues that contribute to films success or failure. Without them it is next to impossible to imagine that a movie can be a success. Thus, the effectiveness of the storyline and dialogs should be estimated. The true architects of a movie are screenwriters. They are not as popular as the director or the actors but their job sometimes is much more valuable. Only they can perfectly adapt a book into a screenplay. Sometimes the new created script form appears to be a new masterpiece with its own original story. It is especially important to sense attention to plotlines and details in the dialog. If scenarios and dialogs are authentic, the movie script is considered successive. If the script is not very successive, characters are placed in artificial and contrived situations. The language used in dialogs is also very important, as it may be obscene, or high flown; it can be natural or it can seem artificial, coming from the writers mind, but not from the characters. Analyzing writing in the film it is necessary to determine whether the dialogs feel honest and the scenes flow in a logical progression. Set pieces and background are very important points that should be evaluated while analyzing an entire movie. These are two major factors that create the proper atmosphere in the film. It is necessary to pay attention to the pictures shapes and colors of the sets, costumes and scenery. Only working together they create a special ambiance and mood. Among some other important factors is the use of darkness and light, shadows and fog. The background information does not overwhelm the scene, but enhances it. The background and the setting should not distract from the scene, but add more to it. All these factors are of major importance. The individual actors performance is one of the most essential factors that should be evaluated while analyzing a movie. Sometimes magnificent performance of one actor attracts the audience attention and the other actors efforts are not noticed. It is also necessary to observe what the other characters of the movie are doing if they are not the part of the action at the moment. Good actors drive the plot of the movie forward. They also establish the character in the mind of the audience. A good actor can make the audience feel his or her presence even if he or she has no dialogs. Editing is an integral part of the finished and successful film. Sometimes it happens that a movie has many components that would make it successful, but poor editing spoils everything. In this case the essential parts of the movie are entirely cut out or the scenes of the film that contribute nothing to the move are left in the final cut. The unmistakable proof of the quality is the editing in which nothing confuses the audience. The perfect editing is usually invisible; the pace of actions is exciting but steady. One scene flows to another one and the audience easily and the audience easily follows the arc of the story. Sometimes the directors cut of a movie can be much less successive than the usual cut. However there are also cases when a movie can be interpreted extremely different after watching the directors cut that appears to be much more successive. Director is the person whose fingerprints are most distinctive in the movie. Definitely he or she is the person who influences the atmosphere in the movie, its character to a great extent. The directors job is totally aimed at film production; it starts and ends there. Thus, directors feelings, thoughts, and ideas are apparent in the movie. The good director is able to understand the actors capacities, the scriptwriters intentions and the crew skills. A professional director usually has his or her own style that is easily traced in the movie. The professional directors contribution to the film bears his or her signature elements, among which familiar actors, unique devotion to particular perspectives and camera angles, edgy dialogs and creative music are noticed. At least one distinctive outstanding feature is inherent each skillful director. So, it is necessary to look for such features in a movie while analyzing it. Sometimes it is next to impossible to determine the meaning of a movie. It can у too complicated sometimes. But there are also cases when there is no meaning in a film. Meaning construction is a vital issue that should be considered while analyzing a movie (Axelson, 2006). Movies generate ideas to a various degree are used as resources within the construction of identity (Jansson 2001). A historically transmitted pattern of meanings embodied in symbols, a system of inherited conceptions expressed in symbolic form by means of which men communicate, perpetuate and develop their knowledge about and attitudes toward life. (Geertz, 1973). Culture and meaning has become increasingly important in media studies (Clark, 2003). Studies in media now look toward how meanings are constructed, making possible connections with the branch of studies that focuses on the role of media in the development of values, and conceptions of the world (Linderman, 2002). Exploring the meaning of a movie, it is essential to start such important characteristic as the sequence of events that form the parts of the story. It should be considered as a whole. All events are combined in order to form a part of the story. All these events become interesting only if we can observe the effect on all the characters of our story. It is not that important what happens, but it is important how it happens, how the characters react to events and various conflicts with other characters. Such conflicts can manifest themselves as dramatic actions or dialogues. Dramatic action is usually not what is said, but what is not said, what is implicit in a movie. In order to understand the meaning of a movie, everything it implies, it is necessary to read between the lines while watching a movie and analyzing it. It is very important to watch the actions of the characters; only this way it is possible to understand their points of view. In the course of time as the story develop s watching the characters and their actions we can anticipate and predict what is going to happen next. These characters development usually expresses the central theme or concept of a movie. These themes may be various: harsh war problems, terrible conditions of growing up in a deprived area, the importance of expressing your free will and individual behavior, the idea of helping other people. The nature of love is also one of the most favorite directors themes. My own personal criteria for evaluating movies mainly coincide with those features that are important to evaluate while analyzing an entire movie. First, it is necessary to find a theme in a film. Sometimes it is very difficult to discern the message a movie tries to convey. The theme is usually what struck us the strongest in a movie. Besides, there might be some minor themes that contribute to the principal one. Looking at the storyline, it is necessary to observe whether the plot of the movie that easily moves from one scene to another. A screen-writer may use a well-known formula of the hero cycle or add twists in order to make a film more believable or draw the audiences attention to the plot of the story. It is also necessary to listen to the dialogs in order to determine whether they are original or contrived, believable or artificial. Sometimes there are forced explanations and conversations that explain the story to the audience. Special attention should be paid to scenery and set used for the movie. Costumes, backgrounds, special effects and lighting are thing that enhance the special atmosphere of a movie. Being organized professionally these things bring the audience to the story instead of distracting and overwhelming senses. Main and supporting characters are also of great importance. Sometimes our attention is mainly attracted by a pretty woman or malignant villain but not by the elaborated plot. Stereotyped characters can contribute to a movie but can hardly make it genius or important. Sometimes a movie contains some scenes that add nothing to the story and even spoil it. Bad editing can let it happen, but a good editor will make everything possible to avoid unnecessary scenes that make the comprehending of the plot difficult. All needless pieces should be cut out. While one scene moves to another it is very important that nothing prevented from understanding the plot; otherwise a movie is considered not very successful. It is desirable not to lose the track of the story; however sometimes due to the poor editing a movie can jump around from scene to scene. Those who pay more attention to movies than an ordinary viewer definitely know that symbolism is very often used to represent some idea or topic from the scene. It can be reflected in a number of ways: thus, a camera may be focused on one and the same object for several times, or a word may be constantly repeated. On the other hand it is important not to overdo and try to find symbolism everywhere. Sometimes a meaning can be found n those places where the director did not intend to show it. Among other important issues that should be taken into consideration are identifying parallel plots alongside with the main one, inciting indictment, spine of action, the protagonist object of desire, values at stake in each scene of characters lives, the turning points of the scenes, the length of the scenes, all major pay-offs and set-ups, climax, climaxes of different subplots and act structure, image systems, crisis decision, the controlling idea ad counter idea of the story (Script A Wish) The world of movies is a unique one: dreams come true in it, every revolution succeeds, and mysticism and magic become real and ordinary. Films tell us about ourselves but in a different way. That is why we like them. Movies have a perfect possibility to fill the gap between fiction and reality. Those various features as actors, sounds, music and pictures present vivid descriptions of everything that can happen in a large and boundless cosmos. Unexpected and wonderful events, thoughts, actions represent our life, everything that happened, happens and will happen to people in all times. The meanings and interpretations rendered by the viewers are determined by their endeavors and personal experience. No doubt, that interpreting films and analyzing them is subjective by its nature. However, it is evident, that in order to analyze a movie, it is necessary to break it down into essential parts and constituent elements. Sometimes these easy steps can really help to comprehend while one movie is a real masterpiece and becomes classic and the other one has nothing special about it and becomes distant memories.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Beloved by Morrison :: Morrison Beloved Essays
Beloved by Morrison "It is the ultimate gesture of a loving mother. It is the outrageous claim of a slave"(Morrison 1987). These are the words that Toni Morrison used to describe the actions of the central character within the novel, Beloved. That character, Sethe, is presented as a former slave woman who chooses to kill her baby girl rather than allowing her to be exposed to the physically, emotionally, and spiritually oppressive horrors of a life spent in slavery. Sethe's action is indisputable: She has killed her child. Sethe's motivation is not so clearly defined. By killing her "Beloved" child, has Sethe acted out of true love or selfish pride? The fact that Sethe's act is irrational can easily be decided upon. Does Sethe kill her baby girl because she wants to save the baby from slavery or does Sethe end her daughter's life because of a selfish refusal to reenter a life of slavery? By examining the complexities of Sethe's character it can be said that she is a woman who chooses to love her childre n but not herself. Sethe kills her baby because, in Sethe's mind, her children are the only good and pure part of who she is and must be protected from the cruelty and the "dirtiness" of slavery(Morrison 251). In this respect, her act is that of love for her children. The selfishness of Sethe's act lies in her refusal to accept personal responsibility for her baby's death. Sethe's motivation is dichotomous in that she displays her love by mercifully sparing her daughter from a horrific life, yet Sethe refuses to acknowledge that her show of mercy is also murder. Throughout Beloved, Sethe's character consistently displays the duplistic nature of her actions. Not long after Sethe's reunion with Paul D. she describes her reaction to School Teacher's arrival: "Oh, no. I wasn't going back there[Sweet Home]. I went to jail instead"(Morrison 42). Sethe's words suggest that she has made a moral stand by her refusal to allow herself and her children to be dragged back into the evil of slaver y. From the beginning, it is clear that Sethe believes that her actions were morally justified. The peculiarity of her statement lies in her omission of the horrifying fact that her moral stand was based upon the murder of her child. By not even approaching the subject of her daughter's death, it is also made clear that Sethe has detached herself from the act. Beloved by Morrison :: Morrison Beloved Essays Beloved by Morrison "It is the ultimate gesture of a loving mother. It is the outrageous claim of a slave"(Morrison 1987). These are the words that Toni Morrison used to describe the actions of the central character within the novel, Beloved. That character, Sethe, is presented as a former slave woman who chooses to kill her baby girl rather than allowing her to be exposed to the physically, emotionally, and spiritually oppressive horrors of a life spent in slavery. Sethe's action is indisputable: She has killed her child. Sethe's motivation is not so clearly defined. By killing her "Beloved" child, has Sethe acted out of true love or selfish pride? The fact that Sethe's act is irrational can easily be decided upon. Does Sethe kill her baby girl because she wants to save the baby from slavery or does Sethe end her daughter's life because of a selfish refusal to reenter a life of slavery? By examining the complexities of Sethe's character it can be said that she is a woman who chooses to love her childre n but not herself. Sethe kills her baby because, in Sethe's mind, her children are the only good and pure part of who she is and must be protected from the cruelty and the "dirtiness" of slavery(Morrison 251). In this respect, her act is that of love for her children. The selfishness of Sethe's act lies in her refusal to accept personal responsibility for her baby's death. Sethe's motivation is dichotomous in that she displays her love by mercifully sparing her daughter from a horrific life, yet Sethe refuses to acknowledge that her show of mercy is also murder. Throughout Beloved, Sethe's character consistently displays the duplistic nature of her actions. Not long after Sethe's reunion with Paul D. she describes her reaction to School Teacher's arrival: "Oh, no. I wasn't going back there[Sweet Home]. I went to jail instead"(Morrison 42). Sethe's words suggest that she has made a moral stand by her refusal to allow herself and her children to be dragged back into the evil of slaver y. From the beginning, it is clear that Sethe believes that her actions were morally justified. The peculiarity of her statement lies in her omission of the horrifying fact that her moral stand was based upon the murder of her child. By not even approaching the subject of her daughter's death, it is also made clear that Sethe has detached herself from the act.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
A&P Queenie perspective Essay -- essays research papers
A&P-Queenie      Every summer my family and I go to our house in the cape just north of Boston. One hot summer morning, I was leaving the house to meet my family at the beach, suddenly I remembered my mother asked me to pick up a jar of â€Å"Kingfish Herring†for her and her friend to snack on at the beach.      I started to walk across the street to my friend Lacey’s house. Lacey lives just outside Detroit, but like my family, her family comes to the cape for the summer. Our families’ have been friends for about 10 years, but we normally don’t see or talk to each other during the year, only summertime seems to bring us together. Traditionally Lacey and I leave for the beach together, even at age 7 we walked with our mothers, so I knew I had to tell her about this errand before I left for town.      Arriving at Lacey’s house I walk to the backdoor letting myself into the house. Lacey was putting on tanning lotion in the kitchen, â€Å"Lacey,†I called to her, â€Å"my mom wants me to pick up snacks for the beach, do you want to go into town with me?†, â€Å"Sure,†she replied, â€Å"do you mind if my cousin comes with us?†, â€Å"Of course I don’t mind,â€Å" I answered, â€Å"but we have to get moving, my dad only left me the car to use ‘til noon.†     While driving, Lacey and I laughed while reminiscing, over old stories of love and trouble that we seemed to get into over the past decade at the cape, Lacey’s cousin Mary was quite, she seemed shy.      We arrived at the A&P and I realized that the store was almost devoid of any human life, but it was mid Tuesday morning most towns people were either working, or at the beach.      Two men were working the front end, the cashier at register 3 was helping an older looking woman with a sun hat, Capri pants ,and far too much make up on, the other cashier was leaning on the bag rack behind him, enjoying a break in a slow day . Both of the clerks looked as if they were in their early twenties, definently townies, the townies hated summer vacationers. Townies never said a word to vacationers, and you could tell in their attitude; they all longed for Labor Day to roll around so everyone would go home, bringing peace to their little town again. My observations of the store and town politics were... ...u decently dressed when you come in here.†this man was entirely strict and conservative, as much was to be expected of a man around these part, he was most likely an avid church goer, Sunday school teacher, Boy Scout troop leader name your clichà ©. I started again â€Å"We are decent,†and before I could continue Lengel interrupted me, â€Å"Girls, I don’t want to argue with you. After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It’s our policy.†and then he walked toward the clerk with a disappointed look and asks â€Å"Sammy, have you rung up this purchase?†with an astonished expression caused by the event that just occurred before his eyes, Sammy simply replies â€Å"No†and rings me up with a great deal of haste, as to get my friends and I out of this self-righteous store before we disgrace it any further. He hands me the change then we hurry out of the store rushing to the car.      Driving out of the parking lot the car was silent, until Lacey started doing a bad imitation of the manager, â€Å"After this come in here with your shoulders covered. Its our policy.†laughing and returning to her normal voice â€Å"Even at 17 you still get us into trouble, will you ever change?â€
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Exercise Addiction Essay -- Exercise Dependence
Exercise is often thought of in a positive light. It is common belief in today’s society that a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine will lead to a long, healthy life. And in the simplest sense of the word, it will. It has been a tried and true method to control and lose weight, lift a person’s mood, boost energy, combat a variety of health conditions and diseases, promote better sleep patterns, and even increase libido. (Mayo Clinic, July 23, 2011). So with all of these being possible and probable benefits of working out, why would it possibly be anything other than good? Certainly, something with so many benefits can’t be a bad thing? However, we may overlook the fact that it is like any good thing; in excess it can become dangerous very quickly. In society, there are increasingly more athletes that are pushing themselves so hard to the point they are making themselves sick. Whatever happened to exercising for simple joy, or competing becau se of a love for sport? The motivations behind an individual’s exercise habits are directly related to whether they develop an addiction. There is even a term for this over exercising phenomenon: Exercise Addiction, or Exercise Dependence. Exercise dependence is a craving that a person would experience, manifesting itself in the form of compulsiveness in relation to exercise behaviour. It can show in physiological symptoms, such as withdrawal, or psychological signs like anxiety and depression. (Hausenblaus, Downs. 2000). Some of these psychological symptoms can be observed in anyone who is competitive and/or elite in their chosen sport, but it may not necessarily mean that they are â€Å"addicted†. It is not nearly as likely to see such behaviours in moderate exe... ...iate control that they are more at risk for addiction. Research still needs to clarify many facets of this affliction, so that the general public can access and be educated on the topic. If this is achieved, the incidence of exercise addiction should decrease, and eventually become just a shadow of its current state. Works Cited Carroll, D., S. Rodgers, I. Cockerill, and D. Bamber. "Diagnostic Criteria for Exercise Dependence in Women." National Centre for Biotechnology Information. British Journal of Sports Medicine, Oct. 2003. Web. 4 Dec. 2011. .
Epistemology: Logic and Knowledge Essay
What is knowledge? How do we know what we know? Do we really know anything at all? These questions, as well as multiple others that arise when searching for the answers are what epistemology is all about. Various philosophers present their own positions in which they try to provide answers to these questions. From externalism to internalism, empiricism to rationalism, and even skepticism, we are exposed to a wide variety of ways that these thinkers use to find the key to truly objective thinking. It can be said with little to no argument that knowledge implies truth. You can’t know something if it’s false; it just isn’t so. You can start by saying knowledge is true belief, but you need something more to prove your true belief. Philosophers call this something a warrant. Therefore we come to the conclusion that knowledge is warranted true belief. Now, this begs the question: what is warrant? This question leads us to a major division epistemological thinking; externalism and internalism. Internalists believe that a belief is warranted if it stands in the right sort of relation to other beliefs. They say that knowledge is justified true belief. Externalists believe that a belief is warranted if it stands in the right sort of relation to the world. They say that knowledge is true belief arising from a reliable process external to ourselves that connects us with the known (309). Every philosopher’s views fall into one of these two schools of thought. The externalist approach is very dominant in Indian philosophy. The Nyaya philosophers practiced Externalist Realism. According to Nyaya philosophy, knowledge is true belief produced by a source of knowledge, or pramana. There are four sources of knowledge that the Nyaya Sutra, the earliest form of Nyaya work, characterizes. These are perception, inference, analogy, and testimony (310). There are guidelines to determine that our source of knowledge we use to justify a belief is genuine. A perception must be veridical, must not be mediated by language, and must arise from a direct sensory relationship with the object known (310-311). There are three types of inference; inferring the effect from the cause, inferring the cause from the effect, and inferring a general rule from its instances (311). For example, you see someone light a scented candle, so you infer the room will smell good. If the room smells good, you infer that a scented candle was lighted. From this, you infer that in general, when scented candles are lighted it makes the room smell good. We make inferences from things that we perceive, however, inference does not reduce to perception since it produces knowledge about things we do not immediately perceive (311). Analogy is restricted to the acquisition of vocabulary only because presumably one would learn of new objects through direct perception, reliable inference, or trustworthy testimony (notes class #4 9/4/13). We learn most of what we know from the testimony of others (what they say and write). Their telling us is the cause of us knowing it; we are made to know things by what other people say (311). A source of knowledge justifies both its result and itself; it is self-revealing like a self-illumining lamp. This is how they make a foundation for other knowledge to be justified by. Nagarjuna, a skeptic, rejects projects of epistemology. He believes in the Buddhist message of interdependent origination, which states that everything is interconnected, and emptiness, which states that everything is â€Å"without a reality of its own (314). †He rejects the idea of â€Å"knowledge sources,†because there is no source for the identification of those sources. If you look for one, then what is the source for that source? Nagarjuna calls this endless search for sources an infinite regress. In response to the argument of the sources being self-proving; he argues that something to be proved cannot be a prover. (316-317) For example, if a couple with a daughter has another child, a boy, then that daughter becomes a sister. At the same time, the boy becomes a brother. The girl is becoming a sister because the boy is born, but the boy is becoming a brother because the girl exists, so who produces whom? Gangesha, founder of the New Logic, states that a skeptic’s argument is self-defeating because it employs the very logical patterns that it denounces (317). If it is impossible to know anything as skeptics argue it is, then how can the skeptic know what they are talking about? Skeptics use inference to guide action, so why is not okay for philosophers to use it to support their theories (317)? Gangesha claims that skeptics are hypocrites because they doubt in the seminar room what they accept outside of it (318). They doubt a philosopher’s reasoning for believing that cars on the streets are real, but wouldn’t stand in front of one driving towards them. In Gangesha’s mind, a true skeptic is one who wouldn’t move out of the way of oncoming traffic, wondering whether it’s all a dream. Nargarjuna’s arguments are smart and make sense, but the realist’s argument of the four pramanas is strong enough to not be debunked by him. You have to be able to have a point where you can stop questioning and just trust your senses. If you see something that looks likes orange juice, smells like orange juice, feels like orange juice, and tastes like orange juice, your perception is enough to prove that is indeed orange juice. Gangesha also makes a very good point about the hypocrisy of skepticism because if skeptic’s truly believed that you could not know anything, how would they even know to believe that? It seems that a true skeptic would not be able to live sanely. On the other hand, there are the internalists. There are three traditions of internalism in Western philosophy: rationalism, empiricism, and skepticism. Plato begins the rationalist tradition which sustains that we can are able to attain knowledge independent of experience (604). He argues that our knowledge of the material world exists because of our prior acquaintance with forms (334). Forms are abstract universals that exist independent of us. They make things what they are, and enable us to think about things as they are (599). Knowledge is the subjective possession of an objective truth (notes class #7 9/11/13). Plato states that when we know something, we can reflect on our reasons for believing it and be able to provide an account that proves why we know what we know is true (334). According to the Meno, an account of X must meet at least three conditions. First, it must be applicable to all instances of X (not too narrow). Second, it must not be applicable to things that are not X (not too broad). And third, it must not be circular (not contain in the account itself any mention of that which is to be defined or explained) (335). An example of an account being circular would be defining a friendship as a relationship between two friends. In the Theaetetus, Plato rejects the definition of knowledge as perception as too narrow. He argues that knowledge is justified true belief and there are basic items, like letters, that we can’t justify by anything else, but still know more clearly and directly than anything else. These items are a foundation of knowledge that justify everything else. Plato’s idea of forms seems a little too out there to be legitimate. There is nothing tangible about them which makes them hard to believe in. It’s weird to use something so hard to prove the existences of as a basis of knowledge. Another rationalist is Rene Descartes. Descartes also uses a new strong skeptical argument to show that there is a foundation of certain beliefs on which all other knowledge rests (373). His goal is to stop the infinite regress by finding foundational truths that cannot be doubted. His method was to doubt literally everything possible to see if he could find an unquestionable foundation for knowledge. He believes that illusions and dreaming give us reason to doubt everything we have ever learned from our senses (374). Descartes finally found a secure foundation for knowledge in that you cannot doubt that you exist. There can be no strong skeptical arguments made against â€Å"I think†or â€Å"I am. †If you doubt that you exist, who is doing the doubting (374)? Descartes theory is very interesting. The way he doubts everything to prevent doubt makes it seem almost foolproof. The third rationalist is G. W. Leibniz. Leibniz believes that no matter how many instances there are that confirm a general truth, there are not enough to establish the universal necessity of the same truth (385). Leibniz believes in a foundation of knowledge that justifies everything else. The items in the foundation are known, they are necessary truths and in fact, some are innate to our minds (386). He states that objects of our intellectual ideas are immediate and always present in our understanding (386). The first philosopher of empiricism is Aristotle. Aristotle deals with the separation of the mind and body. He distinguishes sensation which happens through sense organs from thought which seems to be a function of mind, and argues that the mind is separable from the body (notes class #7 9/11/13). He that since everything is a possible object of thought, then that in the soul which is called mind is before it thinks, is not actually any real thing, and this is why it cannot reasonably be regarded as blended with the body (344). Empiricism claims that sense experience is the ultimate starting point for all knowledge. Aristotle states that forms are not constituents of reality like Plato believes, but rather products are the mind and the mind takes on form from experiences (notes class #7 9/11/13). While none of these philosophers ideas can ever be 100% proven, that’s exactly what is interesting about epistemology. It could be studied endlessly. The search for what constitutes knowledge and true belief is a difficult one and these novel ideas are still fascinating to minds of every generation.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Cyberchondria: A New Media Syndrome Essay
Have you ever tried to find a treatment for a really bad flu on Google? How about a persistent pimple that won’t go away? Has your throat hurt really badly that you decided to search for instant relief through the internet? Then you’re one of the millions who self-diagnose. Trying to name what kind of medical problem one has by using books, medical dictionaries, past personal or non personal experiences, the internet, or even software applications, is called self-diagnosis. With the wealth of information from the information superhighway, anyone of any age can readily access health related information through the new media. Innovative handy digital devices make information access as convenient as breathing. Data is a finger tap away. Although there are no current statistics as to the number of Filipino internet users who self-diagnose, this issue is certainly a reality. In fact, as a result of the said issue, a new condition has emerged  Cyberchondria. What is Cyberchondria? According to Wikipedia, Cyberchondria is the result of internet research on health related issues. It refers to the baseless increase of a person’s anxiety because of the online medical information he or she has gathered. The term is coined from the prefix â€Å"cyber†which pertains to anything of computers, information systems, virtual reality and the Internet (Encarta, 2009), and the psychological condition called hypochondria. People with hypochondria are preoccupied with their health and claim to feel real symptoms. They believe that they have a serious illness but upon the doctor’s examination, there is no objective evidence of the illness they claim to have. The British Medical Journal publication â€Å"Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry†in 2003 said that the word cyberchondria was first used in a British newspaper to refer to the use of the internet health websites to add to anxiety about health. Since the term hypochondria carries with it a rather offensive connotation, research studies have clarified that because the said word means â€Å"excessive concern about health†, cyberchondria is simply â€Å"online concern about health†. Cyberchondria and Search Engines Microsoft, a leading multinational computer industry that offers software, video game products, and online service conducted a comprehensive research in 2008 on cyberchondria and search engines like Google and Yahoo. Researchers Ryen White and Eric Horvitz concluded that if someone who does not have proper training and education in medicine searches the web about a symptom he or she has, they will most probably have increased anxiety. Aside from the escalation of worry, another result is the waste of time and money because of unnecessary doctor visits. The study also revealed that people who find medical information about their symptom online neglect to study all other options but rather focus on the first few results of the search. Among the 500 respondents that they questioned, nine out of ten admit that after researching on a minor symptom online, they were led to research about a much worse medical illness. They also found out that most users that self-diagnose online thought that the search results that appear are ranked according to the probability of them having that disease. This is actually not the real case since search engines rank search results according to computerized mathematic procedures called algorithms. Results are ranked according to how many times the searched word is found on the web page, the number of mouse clicks a web page receives and the number of other website links on the page. What causes Cyberchondria? Researchers and doctors alike have come up with reasons why online users have the tendency to develop cyberchondria. 1. Dr. Stephanie Bown, director of policy and communication of the Medical Protection Society, the leading provider of comprehensive professional insurance for doctors, dentists and health practitioners worldwide, said that the common people may not be able to correctly understand and interpret difficult medical information and terminology (GP Online, 2008). 2. Dr. Bown further said that web information on a certain minor symptom is so varied and so innumerable that they are conflicting. This causes confusion to the common person. 3. Microsoft researchers found out that online users do not have an accurate understanding of how search engines work. 4. Online users do not know that correct diagnosis of a certain condition requires so many considerations like age, family, and lifestyle. Dr. Google does not take up these factors into consideration. 5. For those who already suffer from anxiety, it is already a fact that they think worst of any circumstance. The unfiltered medical information will give anxious people the chance to know the worst case scenario about a minor symptom, which they will certainly brood over about. How to Avoid Cyberchondria 1. Dr. Stewart Segal, an American Family Physician who has dealt with patients having cyberchondria explains that online users need to understand the difference between medical â€Å"possibility and probability†. Possibility is always a certain likelihood, but medical probability is otherwise. Important health factors need to be considered very well before an illness could be found probable for a person. Therefore, anything is possible on the Internet, but it is not probable. 2. Understand how New Media marketing works. Information is packaged as a commodity online in order to attract more readers. Your online diagnosis may sound very real, but read any information with discernment. 3. Look for credible health websites. Go for the reliable sites that have bona fide doctors and health practitioners as contributors. There are now medical online clinics where doctors can be contacted through online communication anytime of the day, such as WebMD. In our country however, online clinics are not yet available, except for a few practitioners who offer help from their personal web pages. Then again, do not let the information you get from online symptom checkers worry you. Think of possibility and probability. 4. Do not self-treat based on information from the internet, especially the use of medications. Your incorrect treatment may lead to other medical concerns, which will make things, including anxiety worse. Buying drugs online isn’t very reliable, too. Websites may offer medication along with your diagnosis. Do not fall for it, this is still marketing strategy. Also there may be lapses as to how we understand terminologies since we are not medically trained. Misunderstandings of dosages and other pertinent medical information is very dangerous. 5. Do not stick to any single diagnosis, which goes both for the public and physicians alike. This leads to errors. Doctors always study more than one diagnosis and they usually begin considering the least serious. Their initial findings are subject to tests and conclusive verifications before the final diagnosis is reached. 6. If you have the information you need, consult your doctor with an open mind. Trust your physician that he or she can come up with a way better diagnosis than Dr. Google or Yahoo. 7. Do not worry yourself to death. Stress from anxiety can aggravate little symptoms that we feel. The best way to take care of our health is to live healthy and avoid worry. Remember that online medical health information can work two ways: for you or against you. How we handle what we find out online will determine this. Knowledge may be very helpful, but it can also be very crippling. You choose. Facebook Testimonials on â€Å"Have you tried online self-diagnosis?†â€Å" I wouldn’t recommend consulting the internet. tendency is you will get more anxious. my daughter has G6PD deficiency and when i looked it up the internet all i can say is poor baby but when her pedia explained it to us it is just a simple case and what we really need to avoid is feeding her soy. well her world won’t end if she can’t taste taho 😉 and my boy then had umbilical granuloma which is quite nerve wracking for me thinking it will be cauterized or operated when all the pediatric surgeon did was only tie it with a suture and after 1 week it is as if nothing happened†¦[sic]†-Kim Gumban Tinedo, 31 â€Å"Yes i did! It helped me in so many ways when I was pregnant. Since it was difficult for us to get an obstetrician who can speak English here in Dalian,China, I relied on the internet about what’s happening with me and my baby. There was one instance when we went to Beijing for general check-up and we were informed on the phone a week later that I will have a trisomy 21 baby and was advised to go for amniocentesis. We were alarmed when we heard about their findings but after several researches on the internet we didn’t submit to their suggestion but instead we relied on what we’ve researched and waited for my due date. Perhaps I just happened to get a reliable site which was perfectly right to what I’m looking for. I even get a weekly update on what to do and it did serve as my guide without consulting the OB anymore. And now everything’s fine with me and the baby is normal! Thanks to the internet! [sic]†– PS Charity Esmaya Alibo gha, 32 â€Å"Yes†¦ just last week, the result of our annual PE for employees came out. my result showed a lot of recommendations due to some health risks. And one of them was my high albumin result( 2+) †¦ i was alarmed. i googled it and found out that it can lead to serious renal problems if it progresses. I was anxious the whole day†¦[sic]†– Ryan Mark Pelaez, 32 http://
Sunday, September 15, 2019
How Will Our Life Go on Without Internet
How will our life go on without internet? It’s hard to imagine that we live in a world without internet which plays an important role in many aspects of our lives. Thus, it’s worth discussing how our life will go on without internet to see what benefits and disadvantages it brings to us. It’s beyond question that our life will be inconvenient if we’re not available to internet. For one thing, we students surf the internet for information frequently in order to write papers, find materials for self-study and so on.In response to the hypothetical situation, we can only go to library for help but the resources there are limited, making us anxious without adequate and prompt information. For another, it’s a waste of time and labor power to put up notices in campus in every aspect. Assume that we should go to somewhere to check messages every day, how troublesome it is for everyone including students and workers in school. Online shopping is so popular f or its multiple choices for us.If not, we’ll spend much more time on selecting goods in real shops if we want to make comparisons. Besides, we’ll lack a lot of fun if we can’t download music or movies. It’s no wonder that a great number of boys will complain about disappearing online games. Certainly, our life will carry on in the assumption, but it won’t be as colorful as today by narrowing our range of entertainment. But, there’re still some advantages in terms of no internet.We’ll spend more time with our family or friends instead of being absorbed in online activities. In addition, we don’t need to worry about false information it delivers and turn our focus on reality, avoiding falling in love with someone deceiving for purposes or students being addicted to internet. To conclude, our life tends to be a mess if we don’t have access to internet. As long as enjoying the convenience, we still need to treat it with rati onality, trying to minish the negative effects as possible.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Effects of Technology on Teens
The Effects of Technology on Teens Modern day technological advancements are constantly seen throughout every aspect of life. Cell phones, portable Internet availability, laptop computers, iPods, mp3 players of every brand, and many other devices, are everywhere. They seem to possess unending possible detriments, but, along with such issues, technology also has positive impacts on today’s youth. In some situations, the Internet and iPod prevent sociability, though in others they may be the cause of increased social activity.Overall, modern technology has the capability to bring people together as well as enhance the social abilities of the today’s youth; however, if used without discretion, can also create a less interactive generation, frequently depending on technology for satisfaction. The immense capabilities of the Internet today are astonishing, and offer many positive opportunities for teens. Primarily, the Internet makes sharing information fast and simple, desp ite factors that in other cases would prohibit such simple distribution.According to Jean-Francois Coget in Source C, â€Å"With the Internet, information can be transmitted and received with ease at any time of the day to and from any number of friends. †It is possible to send videos, pictures, papers, projects, and a quantity of other things with the click of a button. The transfer can happen in seconds. The amazing capability of modern day Internet simplifies teenage life, by providing a way to convey knowledge. Another way in which Internet proves positive is by providing a way to keep in touch with friends and family worldwide, or just across town.Whether it’s a friend that switched schools and is never around, or a family member in London, the Internet makes it possible to email, instant message, and even video chat. Such qualities of Internet communication bring people together with more frequent contact, boosting sociability and relationships. In addition, the Internet also has the capability to, â€Å"foster openness, self-confidence, and a greater sense of ease, and comfort in dealing with others†(Source C).Since it is not obligatory to reveal physical appearance or social status over the Internet, it grants an opportunity to be a completely new person, who is entirely open and confident. Internet chats, even with mere acquaintances, can supply a chance for socially challenged teens to experience a form of social interaction, in order to create a sense of composure. Modern day Internet advancements not only offer an easier way to share information, but also contribute to sociability by providing a way to communicate with distant friends and family, as well as giving socially challenged teenagers an opportunity for interaction.Likewise, another modern day technology, the iPod, may also have a positive effect on some teenagers, by presenting a different view of the world as well as uniting individuals through musical taste. In th e eyes of Kelly Doyle-Mace, in Source D, â€Å"music deepens the experience of walking through the world, rather than detracting from it. †There are millions of songs out there, one to match every possible mood. Sometimes, turning on just the right song can be motivational and provide a completely new outlook on a certain circumstance.In addition, lyrics are often relatable to personal life and can be significant or simply encouraging. Another way in which iPods and personal musical taste is a positive effect on teens is by uniting people of different backgrounds and diversities through their music choice. Lisa and Johnny Rocket, hosts of â€Å"iPod DJ nights,†describe that one night a month they invite guests to bring their iPods to a London bar. Where they can play whatever songs they choose (Source D). â€Å"Even more diverse than the music are the members†¦ the iPod acts to bring people together,†Lisa explains (Source D).These gatherings prove that a s diverse as music can be, it is also unifying. The multitudes of people attending these parties, from every race background and belief, are united through their assorted music taste. IPods have the potential to positively affect today’s youth by matching any and every mood with music, resulting in a deeper walk through life, as well as bringing people together by means of musical interest. The alternative argument is that the Internet can be a significantly negative influence on teenagers, if overused. Constant Internet use detracts time that could be spent with friends and family.Hours wasted away typing useless messages is detrimental to personal relationships with the ones who really matter. It was discovered through a study in Pittsburgh that people who use the Internet most often are â€Å"spending less time talking with their families†¦keeping up with fewer friends†(Source B). It is of no use to spend so much time talking to people over the Internet, when one could just as easily walk down the stairs and spend time with family, or go to see friends instead. According to Source F, Internet users participate in approximately 244. minutes per day spent with friends and family, while non-Internet users spend on average 381. 6 minutes per day with friends and family. Modern day Internet opportunities are decreasing physical interaction and essential quality time. The Pittsburgh study also determined that such teens are â€Å"feeling more lonely and depressed†(Source B). Even though teenagers are simply using the Internet for â€Å"interpersonal communication,†it is causing reliance on brightly lit screens and keyboards, instead of sincere personal interactions with close friends and family members (Source B).Investing too much on Internet chats will inevitably produce a sense of deprivation, and a resulting sense of loneliness from a lack of real relationships and personal contact. Obsessive or constant use of the Internet as a social tool deprives teens from necessary relationships that are crucial to life, especially throughout high school and college, which will ultimately result in a damaging sense of loneliness and depression. Similarly, iPods, much like the Internet, become a negative influence on teenagers, when in constant use.According to a university student’s study of iPods, â€Å"the main appeal of the iPod is that it preoccupies you so you are no longer obligated to interact with the uncontrollable factors of everyday life†(Source E). IPods provide an easy escape from having to interact with strangers in a public situation; because, in just about any situation, pressing play can zone everything out. This portable instant entertainment takes away opportunities to meet new people, or just admire the surroundings and environment of a new place.Although it is a solution to boredom, there are other, more advantageous, solutions such as social interaction. Such disregard to disc overing new people and new places leads to isolation. The obvious signal iPods send out is â€Å"don’t bother trying to talk to me†(Source E). Headphones constantly blasting music often prevent conversations that could prove to be much more worthwhile. The need to continuously be surrounded by one’s own familiar environment results in countless missed opportunities for meeting new people or experiencing â€Å"natural sights and ounds†(Source E). The Internet and iPod affect today’s youth in positive ways; however, when not used in moderation, can become negative influences. Modern technologies are positive by providing simple communication, unifying diversities, and deepening the experiences of the world through music. Those same technological advancements can become highly addictive, and like all addictions, have negative consequences. Teens who are constantly engaged in using technologies become so addicted that they spend less time with loved ones, and feel lonely and depressed.Technological addiction is leading to a more isolated generation, overly dependent on technology. Modern technological advances, particularly the Internet and iPod, have many positive effects on today’s youth, yet if overused can lead to addiction, which consequently produces negative influences and over obsession. Although technology can be profitable, it must be used in moderation, as not to damage the social ability of today’s youth.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Business strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Business strategy - Assignment Example Objectives -The College aims at the provision of quality education to the whole computer interested fraternity. It also aims at creating competitive individuals in the society, who form the basis of computer development. Another objective is to be a first class university college that offers computer in the country. Lastly, the college has the objective of reaching out to the students through imparting skills that are beneficial and outstanding. Aims -The aim of the college is to increase the availability of the computer education to the growing generation of the computer era. The college also aims at growing to become a recognized institution in both Tripoli and other parts of the world. The running of the college will face many challenges from the external and the internal environment. The change in the landscape of higher education over the years is likely to cause detrimental effects to the college. The global economic crisis is exacerbating the effects of the external environment on the college. The income from the daily activities of the guardians of the potential students continues to deteriorate, causing the decrease in the number of students enrolled in the colleges. The impact of the economy on the family incomes and purported philanthropy has been detrimental over the current years. The families are unable to afford the tuition fees to aid in the education of their children. The philanthropists have also accrued higher expenses prompting them to cut on the endowment aimed towards the higher education. Competition for the available philanthropists has grown tremendously. This causes the reduction in funding the activities of higher learning. Another challenge is the crude alignment of the people towards art related subjects. Most students presume that the art subjects are easy and easy to work with. This causes them to abandon the science subjects such as computer science, and hence leading to inefficiency
Thursday, September 12, 2019
A Pictogram Is Worth a Thousand Translations Essay
A Pictogram Is Worth a Thousand Translations - Essay Example ticular personalities concerned are implementing ways to make fingerprinting, among other equally not-so-harmless requirements, a more pleasant and comfortable experience for people who are not very familiar with it. For example, pictures and symbols have replaced textual instructions in posters and signages found throughout international airports. In addition, such activities are also being standardized by the agencies concerned so that international travelers will go through the same procedure in every country. As somebody who frequents airports, it is certainly daunting on my part to have to go through certain â€Å"security measures†before granted passage. These requirements, especially if existing only in selected airports, makes me feel more uncomfortable rather than more secure. Add to this the fact that some security personnel do not even take the time to explain the necessity of the procedures being done. It may also be embarrassing to have to perform a particular security check and end up doing it correctly because no clear instructions were provided in the first place. With that, I think the efforts to make international airports more culturally sensitive are commendable. The use of symbols and pictures as part of the instructions is definitely a welcome change because these symbols are more universally understood than, say, the English language. It should also be noted that such a move be done not only in international airports but also in other places with a high traffic of international personalities such as supermarkets, parks, and schools. The move to make prints adhere to a uniform standard that is the same on a global scale is another pleasant piece of news. One should realize the fact that threats to one’s security no longer just come from one’s immediate community but from an international scale as well. With the standardization of fingerprinting, coordination among different countries will be much easier to accomplish. Overall, the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Movie Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Movie Review - Essay Example It is Beauty in whom Yesterday’s hopes rest in seeing the girl break the vicious cycle of poverty and oppression through the opportunities of education. What Khumalo’s character does not realize early on in the film, and that which is the central theme of the film, is that the opportunities gained through education mean much more than a better income. As Yesterday will learn, it means, too, an informed mind, the means by which to confront old customs and traditions that have brought about a healthcare crisis in African and other third world countries by the rampant spread and devastation of AIDS. Khumalo’s character learns that her life will be cut short by the killer disease passed on to her by her husband. It is often the old traditions that continue to enslave people, especially women, on the social front long after freedoms are won on the political front. In the film Yesterday, we see plight of women whose lives are like the road upon which we see Yesterday walk down as she makes the two hour trip to the clinic to receive healthcare. It is a barren stretch of desert where the desolation of the landscape is a reflection of the lives of women enslaved by poverty and old traditions where men still prove their prowess by sexual conquest and performance. Yet there is beauty even in the barren South African landscape. This is contrasted by the beauty of the actresses, Khumalo and Mvelase as they walk together down that same road. The skillful close ups that capture the natural beauty of the two actresses is successful in casting the beauty of life onto the desolation of the landscape. Desolation in the desert, as in poverty, gives way to the beauty of life. However, we know, as seen in the community scenes where the harshness of life is deeply etched in the faces of the women scrubbing their clothes on scrub boards that â€Å"Beauty†without the opportunity of education to rise
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Methodology - Essay Example 3.1.2 Phase 2 To identify the role that art has played as a subject in the Iraqi community 3.1.3 Phase 3 To understand and formulate an opinion on the reasons why art is not an important subject in Iraqi secondary schools. 3.1.4 Phase 4 Compare the approach to the teaching and learning of art in the UK with that of Iraq 3.2 Sample & Theorisation Sampling is an important element for the study of a representative body to acquire information about a subject that can be generalised over a wider population (Dodds, 2011). In order to understand each of the four phases, there will be the need to study a carefully selected proportion of the relevant populations to come up with findings that would be applicable to the objective identified. The wider population involves the education authorities in Iraq and the teachers and their classroom activities. In order to examine this, samples will be taken from schools in the UK and in Iraq. For the study in Iraq, students and teachers from two school s will be chosen from Baghdad and two drawn from the major cities of Basrah, Mosul and Al Sulaimanya. There would also be samples of four schools studied in the UK. Based on the responses that will be taken from these four schools in each country and the educational authorities, the research will arrive at conclusions that will be representative of the entire country. Since the samples taken would be representative of the country, the generalisation and theorisation would be more likely to represent people's attitudes towards art education and give information about the state of art education in Iraq. 3.3 Data Collection The main data for the research will be collected from questionnaires and secondary sources. 3.3.1 Secondary Sources (Documents) The secondary sources will include the collection of information about important documents which relate to the position of art education in Iraq and the United Kingdom. This will be done through the perusal of important documents that descr ibe the position of art education in both countries. This will include an examination of current educational policies and important arrangements towards studies in both countries. In the examination of secondary sources, relevance will be the main guiding principle. In other words documents that provide relevant information about the state of Art education at the secondary level in the UK and Iraq will form the basis of the choice of documents to be studied in the research. 3.3.2 Questionnaires Questionnaires will be handed out to the teachers and students that will be chosen in the sample stage from the four schools in the UK and the four schools in Iraq. This will enable the researcher to identify significant information. The questions asked are available below in Appendix 1 and 2. The questionnaires are styled in a close ended format to provide quick and easy information about what the respondents think and state in their research. The questionnaires will be sent out to various r espondents and their responses will be collated. For the purpose of easy analysis, the same questionnaires will be distributed both in the UK and in Iraq. This will ensure that the comparison would be easy and analyses can be completed at a much faster pace. 3.4 Data Analysis The findings of both the secondary source perusal and the
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