Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Pronouncing Words That End in -lm
Pronouncing Words That End in -lm Pronouncing Words That End in -lm Pronouncing Words That End in -lm By Maeve Maddox Not many one-syllable English words end in the letters -lm. Sometimes the l in them is pronounced; sometimes it isnt. Heres a list of the most common -lm words, together with the pronunciation in the phonetic notation given at Many Americans pronounce all of these words with an l. alms [mz] balm [bm] calm [km] elm [Ä•lm] embalm[Ä•m-bm] film [fÄ lm] helm [hÄ•lm] palm [pm] psalm [sm] qualm [kwm] realm [rÄ•lm] whelm [hwÄ•lm] These pronunciations all agree with those given in the OED. Additionally, the OED acknowledges U.S. pronunciations with the sound of l for palm, psalm, and qualm. Merriam-Webster uses the symbol ] to indicate a sound that facilitates the placement of variant pronunciation. For example, ï ¿ ¼]mz. This symbol, which seems to indicate an almost l, is used for the first pronunciation given for alms, balm, calm, embalm, palm, psalm, and qualm. The pronunciation with a full l sound is given as an alternate: also ]lm. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Bare or Bear With Me?How Long Should a Paragraph Be?When to use "an"
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Mexican-American War
The Mexican-American War From 1846 to 1848, the United States of America and Mexico went to war. There were several reasons why they did so, but the most important ones were the US annexation of Texas and the Americans desire for California and other Mexican territories. The Americans took the offensive, invading Mexico on three fronts: from the north through Texas, from the east through the port of Veracruz and into the west (present-day California and New Mexico). The Americans won every major battle of the war, mostly thanks to superior artillery and officers. In September 1847, American General Winfield Scott captured Mexico City: this was the final straw for the Mexicans, who finally sat down to negotiate. The war was disastrous for Mexico, as it was forced to sign away nearly half of its national territory, including California, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and parts of several other current US states. The Western War American President James K. Polk intended to invade and hold the territories he wanted, so he sent General Stephen Kearny west from Fort Leavenworth with 1,700 men to invade and hold New Mexico and California. Kearny captured Santa Fe and then divided his forces, sending a large contingent south under Alexander Doniphan. Doniphan would eventually take the city of Chihuahua. Meanwhile, the war had already begun in California. Captain John C. Frà ©mont had been in the region with 60 men: they organized American settlers in California to revolt against the Mexican authorities there. He had the support of some US navy vessels in the area. The struggle between these men and the Mexicans went back and forth for a few months until Kearny arrived with what was left of his army. Although he was down to fewer than 200 men, Kearny made the difference: by January of 1847 the Mexican northwest was in American hands. General Taylors Invasion American General Zachary Taylor was already in Texas with his army waiting for hostilities to break out. There was already a large Mexican army on the border as well: Taylor routed it twice in early May of 1846 at the Battle of Palo Alto and the Battle of Resaca de la Palma. During both battles, superior American artillery units proved the difference. The losses forced the Mexicans to retreat to Monterrey: Taylor followed and took the city in September of 1846. Taylor moved to the south and was engaged by a massive Mexican army under the command of General Santa Anna at the Battle of Buena Vista on February 23, 1847: Taylor once again prevailed. The Americans hoped that they had proved their point: Taylors invasion had gone well and California was already securely under control. They sent envoys to Mexico in the hopes of ending the war and gaining the land they desired: Mexico would have none of it. Polk and his advisors decided to send yet another army into Mexico and General Winfield Scott was selected to lead it. General Scotts Invasion The best route to get to Mexico City was to go through the Atlantic port of Veracruz. In March of 1847, Scott began landing his troops near Veracruz. After a short siege, the city surrendered. Scott marched inland, defeating Santa Anna at the Battle of Cerro Gordo on April 17-18 along the way. By August Scott was at the gates of Mexico City itself. He defeated the Mexicans at the Battles of Contreras and Churubusco on August 20, gaining a toehold into the city. The two sides agreed to a brief armistice, during which time Scott hoped the Mexicans would finally negotiate, but Mexico still refused to sign away its territories to the north. In September of 1847, Scott attacked once again, crushing the Mexican fortification at Molino del Rey before assaulting the Chapultepec Fortress, which was also the Mexican Military Academy. Chapultepec guarded the entrance to the city: once it fell the Americans were able to take and hold Mexico City. General Santa Anna, seeing that the city had fallen, retreated with what troops he had left to unsuccessfully try and cut the American supply lines near Puebla. The major combat phase of the war had ended. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The Mexican politicians and diplomats were finally forced to negotiate in earnest. For the next few months, they met with American diplomat Nicholas Trist, who had been ordered by Polk to secure all of the Mexican northwest in any peace settlement. In February of 1848, the two sides agreed on the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Mexico was forced to sign over all of California, Utah, and Nevada as well as parts of New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming and Colorado in exchange for $15 million dollars and exoneration of about $3 million more in previous liability. The Rio Grande was established as the border of Texas. People living in these territories, including several tribes of Native Americans, reserved their properties and rights and were to be given US citizenship after a year. Lastly, future disagreements between the US and Mexico would be settled by mediation, not warfare. Legacy of the Mexican-American War Although it is often overlooked in comparison with the American Civil War, which broke out about 12 years later, the Mexican-American War was just as important to American History. The massive territories gained during the war make up a large percentage of present-day United States. As an added bonus, gold was discovered shortly thereafter in California which made the newly acquired lands even more valuable. The Mexican-American War was in many ways a precursor to the Civil War. Most of the important Civil War Generals fought in the Mexican-American War, including Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman, George Meade, George McClellan, Stonewall Jackson and many others. The tension between the slave states of the southern USA and the free states of the north was made worse by the addition of so much new territory: this hastened the onset of the Civil War. The Mexican-American War made the reputations of future US Presidents. Ulysses S. Grant, Zachary Taylor, and Franklin Pierce all fought in the war, and James Buchanan was Polks Secretary of State during the war. A Congressman named Abraham Lincoln made a name for himself in Washington by vocally opposing the war. Jefferson Davis, who would become President of the Confederate States of America, also distinguished himself during the war. If the war was a bonanza for the United States of America, it was a disaster for Mexico. If Texas is included, Mexico lost more than half of its national territory to the USA between 1836 and 1848. After the bloody war, Mexico was in ruins physically, economically, politically and socially. Many peasant groups took advantage of the chaos of war to lead uprisings all over the country: the worst was in Yucatan, where hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Although Americans have forgotten about the war, for the most part, many Mexicans are still irate about the theft of so much land and the humiliation of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Even though there is no realistic chance of Mexico ever reclaiming those lands, many Mexicans feel they still belong to them. Because of the war, there was much bad blood between the USA and Mexico for decades: relations did not begin to improve until World War Two, when Mexico decided to join the Allies and make common cause with the USA. Sources: Eisenhower, John S.D. So Far from God: the U.S. War with Mexico, 1846-1848. Norman: the University of Oklahoma Press, 1989 Henderson, Timothy J. A Glorious Defeat: Mexico and its War with the United States.New York: Hill and Wang, 2007. Wheelan, Joseph. Invading Mexico: Americas Continental Dream and the Mexican War, 1846-1848. New York: Carroll and Graf, 2007.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ethical dilemmas facing multinational corporations in their marketing Essay
Ethical dilemmas facing multinational corporations in their marketing of goods and services abroad - Essay Example The best thing is that the benefits and disadvantages are determined even before the organization goes the global way and thus it saves itself from embarrassment which it might face without having proper knowledge and adequate research within it. The significant thing here is to get prepared and be ready for what is to come in the future as concerns to the organization that we are talking about here. (Beckman, 1967) The ethical concerns rose in the wake of marketing of goods and services abroad remains one of the most talked about concerns and this is highlighted within the length of this paper. The ways and means that are usually taken care of whilst managing the goods and services abroad are aplenty and it is only up to the top management within a company that the same can be handled in a several different methods. They are the ones to decide as to what is the real manner in which the firm’s goods and services would be handled as well as who will head the respective departments, lead the business strategic units and act as legal and media representatives of the said business. The business, as marketers say, exists to satisfy its target audience through fulfilling a need courtesy its products and/or services or a combination of the both, the same being true in case of a retail outlet which sells gasoline to local consumers, thus giving in petrol plus extra services in the form of window cleaning, fuel gauge checks and so on and so forth. (Kelley, 1973) A company or an organization needs sound management framework at its top so that the staff and the employees workin g at different levels feel at ease with the job as well as the working environment. This indeed is very important as it builds long-term credibility of the organization that it cares about its employees and not just the customers and in cases profits and revenues only. (Korzeniowski, 2001) International businesses with regards to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
THE GLOBAL BRANDING OF STELLA ARTOIS Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
THE GLOBAL BRANDING OF STELLA ARTOIS - Case Study Example This number is very low compared to other industries, such as tobacco, liquor, and soft drink industries. Therefore, it would be appropriate for Interbrew to take advantage of this opportunity by developing a global brand and expanding into markets that are unexplored by acquiring brewers in both growing and mature markets. Stella Artois is certainly the best flagship brand for the company. Firstly, it is clear from the case that the brand is doing exceptionally well in the global market. For instance, the global volume of Stella Artois rose by 97 percent between 1992 and 1999, which was remarkable considering the level of competition (Beamish and Goerzen 108). Stella Artois also serves as the best global flagship brand since it has established good reputation in the European market and beyond. According to the case, Stella Artois is seen as the â€Å"European premium lager,†which clearly demonstrates how well the beer has been received in the European market. Therefore, as much as Stella Artois has suffered in one way or the other, it still serves as the right flagship brand for the company. Interbrew’s move to focus its strategies on cities as markets instead of countries has a number of advantages. Firstly, the strategy is beneficial to the company in the sense that it allowed Interbrew the opportunity to offer the right training to its staff. Secondly, the strategy was advantageous since it ensured that Interbrew received wide media coverage. Thirdly, the strategy ensured that Interbrew gained more return on marketing and promotion investment. Additionally, the strategy appeared advantageous to the company since it enabled the company to gain more control over marketing and distribution (Beamish and Goerzen 114). Other advantages associated with the strategy include enhancing brand awareness in the cities. However, the strategy was also associated with a number of disadvantages, including limiting the brand
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Søren Kierkegaard Essay Example for Free
Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard Essay 1. Some existentialist do believe in God and some do not. Being an existentialist does not necessarily involve denying the possibility of a higher power. Existentialism is a philosophical position that advocates 1) the individuals absolute freedom and full capacity to determine its place in the world; 2) the individual as indefinable, as outside of all systems and totalities. The individual is only defined on the basis of what they do, and with each action they change who they are. For Sartre, at least, we can only define what a person is when they have died. Existentialism is said to begin with Soren Kierkegaard, who is a Christian existentialist. For Kierkegaard, the human individual is outside of all systems, and is irreducibly singular. He is a Christian existentialist because he claims that a personal relationship with God is the highest accomplishment of human existence. As an existentialist, he opposes what he calls Christiandom, which is basically organized religion in which the individual loses itself in a group mentality. Religion is a personal event for Kierkegaard, not a communal one. Christian existentialism relies on Kierkegaards understanding of Christianity. Kierkegaard argued that the universe is fundamentally paradoxical, and that its greatest paradox is the transcendent union of God and humans in the person of Jesus Christ. He also posited having a personal relationship with God that supersedes all prescribed moralities, social structures and communal norms, since he asserted that following social conventions is essentially a personal aesthetic choice made by individuals. Kierkegaard proposed that each person must make independent choices, which then constitute his existence. Each person suffers from the anguish of indecision until he commits to a particular choice about the way to live. Kierkegaard also proposed three rubrics with which to understand the conditions that issue from distinct life choices: the aesthetic, the ethical, and the religious. 2. In this scenario, the essence of humanity, including both its end or purpose and the means to that end are all predetermined by God. Even though humans have free choice, they cannot change their God-given essence. A person might try to change his or her divine purpose of knowing and loving God by finding her true happiness in the purpose of such things like a talent or a habit. But if there heart is made in the image and likeness of God, there heart will be restless until it rests in God. Furthermore, if one accepts there true purpose as the knowledge and love of God but then tries to make up their own means or design for reaching that goal, that attempt will also likewise fail. The essence is God-created as to both the overall purpose of humanity and the general means to that goal, and human freedom cannot change human nature. Sartre uses this example of the paper-knife in order to explain the difference between existence preceding essence and essence preceding existence for everything else. Because the paper-knife has a pre-decided essence of opening letters or cutting apart the pages of a book, its useless when there are no books around. Man, on the other hand, can never be put in this position, since man has no pre-determined essence. So human beings can never be useless because they never had a previous defined use. 3. If God has created man and his nature, man cannot claim the primacy of his existence. Therefore, if existentialism makes human life possible in the aforementioned sense it cannot treat the question of God as a purely theological or academic issue. On the contrary, the way how we resolve the question whether God exists or not will determine the character of human self-understanding and the general condition of man in the world. Sartre says that the problem of Gods existence is not the issue for existentialism. What he means by this is not that existentialism is not interested in the question but that it has already resolved it given the need of man to regain himself as the creator of his own world. Or better to say, human reality proves that man is responsible for himself. In other words, nothing can save him from himself, not even a valid proof of Gods existence. On the other hand, if we believe that God has created man in his own image then, according to Sartre, we have to admit that human essence, as conceived by God, precedes existence. The reasoning will have the following pattern: If God exists, the essence precedes existence. God exists. Therefore essence precedes existence. 4. Sartre explains the priority of human existence in this way: Man first exists, turns up, appears on the scene, and only then defines himself. Sartre does not want to say that eating and sleeping is more important than anything else which is a kind of luxury in life. He admits the biological priority of basic functions but claims that what is built upon it is by far more decisive. As Sartre says later on, every man performs an absolute act in breathing, eating, sleeping or behaving in any way whatever, but this act does not constitute human essence who we are, only a configuration within which an already present existence shapes its own essence. To be sure, man exists like a configuration before he can be defined by any concept and hence his existence should be the basis for any posterior definition of his nature, not the other way round. But his nature is that he does not have a nature, at least initially when he appears in the midst of other beings. Therefore biological life does not equal human existence nor essence. The point here is that what man is (the traditional nature of man) is not determined by any pre-existing essence, not even the biological nature. Man himself decides whether he is going to be a grumpy and nasty person or a kind and caring infividual, a miserable creature or an energetic and optimistic human, a murderer or an artist, an obedient subject or a free spirit Sartre phrases the statement (a) existence precedes essence as synonymous with (b) subjectivity must be the starting point. This is obvious from the fact that he accompanies the former with an or: existence precedes essence, or, if you prefer, subjectivity must be the starting point. 5. Sartre phrases the statement (a) existence precedes essence as synonymous with (b) subjectivity must be the starting point. This is obvious from the fact that he accompanies the former with an or: existence precedes essence, or, if you prefer, subjectivity must be the starting point. There are several difficulties with this though. First, even if we follow Sartres expectation to accept his or between the two propositions as indicating a synonymous meaning it remains questionable . Subjectivity is obviously taken in the Hegelian sense, as the core of autonomy and self-reflection. Second, while the contention (b) is really faith blind, (a) is not. On the contrary, theists cannot accept it if it entails the non-existence of God. 6. Sartre calls this Subjectivity but explains his meaning to avoid misunderstanding. Subjectivity –We mean that man exists first and he is capable of realizing this. He uses his â€Å"will†to make conscious decisions and he is held responsible for his actions because his existence and free choice precedes his essence. Subjectivism can mean that an individual chooses and makes himself . In the second sense, it means that â€Å" it is impossible for man to transcend human subjectivity. †7. The anguish results from the direct responsibility toward others who are affected by our actions. ANGUISH. It is in anguish that we become conscious of our freedom. My being provokes anguish to the extent that I distrust myself and my own reactions in that situation. We must make some choices knowing that the consequences will have profound effects on others like a commander sending his troops into battle. In choosing for ourselves we choose for all humankind. We experience anguish in the face of our subjectivity, because by choosing what we are to do, we ‘choose for everyone’. When you make a decision you are saying â€Å"this is how anyone ought to behave given these circumstances. †Many people don’t feel anguish, but this is because they are â€Å"fleeing from it. †If you don’t feel a sense of anxiety when you make decisions, it’s because you are forgetting about your â€Å"total and deep responsibility†toward yourself and all of humanity. 8. Our choices are a model for the way everyone should choose. If we deny this fact, we are in self-deception. If we say, Everyone will not act as I have done, then we are giving a universal value to the denial. There are no omens; there are no signs by which to decide. We are responsible for ourselveswe are the sole authority of our lives. We cannot give up this responsibility except through self-deception or bad faith. Because man is free and at the same time responsible. A man who involves himeslf cannot escape the feeling of immense, deep and total responsibility for his actions and for other men. Man is responsible not only for the person he chooses to be but also for other men. He stakes himself out by choosing both himself and all mankind. His actions are inevitably actions of a lawmaker. Man is constantly in anguish not because he makes daily trivial choices but, as Sartre stated in the discussion following the lecture, (a) because his original choice is constant but uncertain and (b) there is no justification for the choice made. 9. Quietism is the attitude of people who say, â€Å"Let others do what I can’t do. †The doctrine I am presenting is the very opposite of quietism, since it declares, â€Å"There is no reality except in action. †Moreover, it goes further, since it adds, â€Å"Man is nothing else than his plan; he exists only to the extent that he fulfills himself; he is therefore nothing else than the ensemble of his acts, nothing else than his life. One of the biggest objections was that it was a pessimistic philosophy that encouraged people to dwell in quietism of despair . In his essay, Existentialism is a Humanism, Sartre attempts to prove that existentialism is probably the most optimistic doctrine available to modern man by attempting to answer other objections brought against existentialism. However, I do not believe that Sartre is completely successful at presenting his doctrine as optimistic and giving valid responses to the many objections. 10. Sartre writes, Values in actuality are demands which lay claim to a foundation. (Ibid. p.46) But if the foundation of values were found in facts, then what would be valuable would be determined by facts and my will would not be in control of its own values; my will would not be master of itself. But if my will is the source of values, then this foundation is a foundation that can be changed at any time and it is possible for me to have no values whatsoever. It follows that my freedom is the unique foundation of value and that nothing, absolutely nothing justifies me in adopting this or that particular value, this or that particular scale of values. As a being by whom values exist, I am unjustifiable. My freedom is anguished at being the foundation of values while itself without foundation. You can’t judge sincere choices, but you can judge self deceit. For example when someone blames their actions on their passions or determinism, implying that they could not help what they did and so are not responsible. Or when someone says that certain values are ‘incumbent’ on us, i. e. the values, or duties, impose themselves on us so we have to follow them, we have no choice. If someone chooses to deceive himself you can’t judge this morally, but can judge it as an error. Furthermore you can judge it morally, because freedom can have no end but itself. To value anything is to choose it. So if we were not free to choose anything there could be no values. So freedom is the foundation of all values. So to value anything we are thereby valuing freedom itself. But we cannot value our own freedom without valuing others’ freedom. So if someone else denies that they are free, they are denying something that we value, and so we can judge them morally. Satre argued that existentialism was a kind of tough optimism. First to realise that there is no god taking care of our action or guiding us. Subjectivism leads to a forlornness and then the despair of being responsible for our own actions and probabilities gives way to freedom. The realization that what we achieve for ourselves is up to us. When we realise and accept this state of existence we are left with only possibilities. What we do with them can become a kind of despair but hope and change is always possible. The fact man is condemned to be free. It is from this existence that we create an essence for ourselves and not the other way round. It is a anti-fatalism and pro-determinism. By asserting that human action is futile, if not impossible, existentialism invites people to remain in a state of desperate quietism, resigned and passive. Existentialism itself ends up in a kind of contemplative bourgeois philosophy (just observing the world) lagging behind the demand of Marx 11th Thesis on Feuerbach which stipulates that philosophy should change the world not only look at it. The word bourgeois in the charge was linked to luxury in the sense of being redundant and unnecessary.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay --
bizarre genetic disease that seems to accelerate ageing could hold the key to longer lives for children with progeria.Progeria is an extremely rare, fatal genetic condition which causes babies to age quickly. Progeria was first described in an academic journal by Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson in 1886 and also by Dr. Hasting Gilford in 1897 both man was from England (Nordqvist 1). After discovering the two people they later came up with a new name for Progeria called Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS). Today in life there 53 cases of Progeria around the world and only 2 in the UK.1 in every 4 to 8 million babies are born with Progeria. Progeria effect all race equal boys and girls. As newborn, children with Progeria usually appear normal at birth. However, within a year their growth rate slows and they soon are much smaller and weigh less than other children they age. Then later they begin to accelerate aging and some signs of progeria may start. Growth failure, Loss of body, Loss of hair, Skin starts to look aged, Stiffness in the joint, Hip dislocation, Generalized atherosclerosis, and stroke are all symptoms that child with Progeria will have. Children who suffer from Progeria are genetically susceptible to premature, progressive heart disease (Davis 2). Progeria appears to occur without cause and it is not seen in siblings of affected children. Children with Progeria have a surprisingly appearance. 90% of children with Progeria have a mutation on the gene that encodes Lamin A, a protein that holds the nucleus of the cell together (Conley 4). Lamin A protein makes the nucleus stable it leads to the process of premature aging among Progeria patients. Experts do not believe that Progeria is hereditary. In about 1 in ev... ...yday because you they never know when they might lose them. Progeria is not usually passed down in family. Children with Progeria often suffer from symptoms typically seen in elderly people (Davis1). People inherit the disease only one copy of the LMNA gene is enough to cause the disease because it is an autosomal dominant gene. The Progeria Research Foundation was created in 1999. Progeria does have parallels with normal ageing; at least in one key aspect how out blood vessels deteriorate. Researchers found that a drug known as rapamyein slowed and even stopped the disease progression the cells. Progeria only affected newborn babies. Progeria is a very rare disease that no one knows where it comes from. Research today is still haven’t come up with a way to stop the cure for Progeria. Some research found a way to make Progeria patients live longer then the age 13.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Computer Laboratory Monitoring System Essay
Introduction Monitoring is the systematic collection and analysis of information as a project progress. It is aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a project or organization. It is based on targets set and activities planned during the planning phases of work. It helps to keep the works on track and can let management know when things are going wrong. If done properly, it is an invaluable tool for good management, and it provides a useful base of evaluation. It enables in determining whether the available resources are sufficient and are being well used, whether the capacity is sufficient and appropriate and whether doing the planned to do. Under monitoring we look at the process on organization could go through to design a monitoring system (Shapiro, 2008). Monitoring system is now in need by businesses and other industry. The system is introduces because of the arising problems and needs of different industries when it comes to maintenance of their facilities or equipments. With the use of such monitoring system, as explained by CMC industrial Electronics, operational efficiency is ensured. A lot of time delaying errors such as mechanical, human or Symantec errors will be avoided. Efficiency is also the key in allowing the company to evolve and develop. As the saying, being too careful will provide quality service that everyone would want, but it would take up a lot of time. By having a monitoring system to follow, the company is able to save time and provide maximum assistance and satisfaction to all the employees and clients. In education, the computer laboratory is usually monitored, Due to the high number of computers in a lab; technicians are having difficulties in monitoring computers. Institutions implement proper maintenance of computer laboratories with the help of a monitoring system. Iowa State University is an example. There are many computer labs on campus, including both public labs and college department labs. Public labs are accessible to everyone at the university, funded by the student computer fee paid by all students and managed by the Computation Advisory Committee (CAC). Iowa State University uses monitoring system wherein problem experienced with hardware or software in a computer laboratory can be reported online. Computer laboratory monitoring system helps the instructors and the laboratory administrators to check and monitor all the hardware and software components of each computer inside a certain laboratory. Most of the computer laboratories are usually monitored in a manual way, they uses a logbook to list all their findings in a certain laboratory then an in charge person will confirm all the findings and make a solutions for the problems (Adamson, 2010). A computer laboratory, also known as a computer suite or computer cluster (a term also used for server clusters) is typically a room which contains many networked computers for public use. Computer labs can be found in libraries, schools, government buildings, science labs, community centers, companies with IT departments that requires such a place for their employees to do their jobs, and research centers. They are distinct from Internet cafes in that the usage of the computer lab is typically free for those with access. Printers, scanners, and other peripherals may augment the lab setup. Inside a computer laboratory room, students are able to apply the things they have learned during their lecture classes. A learning procedure called â€Å"Hands-on†is needed so that students can apply all the things that they’ve learned during their lecture. This computer hands-on can open the mind of the students to help them to face the civilization in real world, it’s like an office training where in the instructors are the bosses and the students are the employees, these employees must accomplish a certain task given by their boss. This will serve as their preparation before they are going to the real field in work (Otis, 2010). Nowadays, it is very visible that gadgets are everywhere. People use these gadgets in their daily life. Old man or young man, poor or rich people have their own gadgets specifically a cell phone. Most of the people depend on their phone not only in communicating but in other way just like the applications installed on it. Some of these cell phone applications are used by the students, and some of these applications are made for school stuffs for their work. School stuff such as class instructors is using an application to do his work easier. According to Bucki (2010), a mobile device is a generic term used to refer to a variety of devices that allow people to access data and information from where ever they are. This includes cell phones and portable devices.According to an article in the website of ITBusinessEdge, an IT Business Edge Site, a mobile phone is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station. In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones. In this study, the reseachers are going to develop and design a Colegio de Dagupan Computer Laboratory Monitoring System using Mobile Technology to improve the existing process in monitoring and recording the status of each computer laboratory. Colegio de Dagupan, formerly Computronix College, was first established as a computer-electronics training center offering short term courses in computer programming and repairs. The institution provides different colleges and one of those is the College of Information and Computing Studies. The CHED also awarded the college as one of the Center of Development in Information Technology last 2007. Since the institution offers computer related courses, it provides computer laboratories for the students. Colegio de Dagupan uses the manual way of recording the result in monitoring their computer laboratories. The instructor uses a computer laboratory report form in reporting computer laboratory problem then submits the form to the technician to repair what has been reported however if the technician can’t solve the problem he will consult the administrator to find solutions and fix the problem accordingly. The technician will submit the report forms to be noted by the administrator then record the data at the logbook. Using their manual process, problems are encountered such as time consuming in requesting computer resource problems, delayed action in fixing computer problems, time-consuming, inefficient and unreliability in preparing technicians report. CdD-CLMS using Mobile Technology is necessary in Colegio de Dagupan in order to have a centralized repository for the problem reports about hardware and software defects and other problems they encounter. It will enable them to monitor the most problems occur, about hardware defects and other peripheral devices inside the computer laboratories and the causes. Assuming that all computer laboratory IT instructors are using android phones for reporting purposes The mobile serves as the main device for creating a report regarding computer laboratory problems and assuming that the router used by the school has a large network coverage. The router serves as a bridge to provide a connection between the Android phone and the server. Conceptual framework In order to organize the way on how and why a project takes place and to understand its activities, prior research will be conducted. The developer has developed a conceptual framework that will be use to map and assess the research findings. The framework shown in Figure 1 identifies the inputs, activities or processes, the output and it shows the expected relationship among these components. The diagram of the framework summarizes how the study resumed to work. The input contains the existing manual process of Colegio de Dagupan in terms of monitoring computer laboratories, the hardware and software requirements in the development of the system and the functional requirements from the stakeholders. The process includes the methodology used which is the RAD Methodology. By the use of this method, the proposed project will yield a faster, reliable and high-quality system that will meet the needs of the clients and users.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The largest bakery
IntroductionGREGGS is the largest bakeshop retail merchant in UK. The historical company foremost founded by John Gregg in 1939, and opened its first store in 1951. After about 60 old ages enlargement, it becomes a nutrient land supplying big scope of fresh nutrient for 5 million clients every hebdomad in over 1,400 net stores. During this period, a little bakeshop store became a nutrient giant with to the full developed distribution centres providing freshness and quality nationally. Meanwhile they besides faced obstruction on their manner to multinational. The failure in Belgium is a warning of their enlargement. As the purpose to decide the impact from economic recession, 10 Belgium stores were resolutely closed in last twelvemonth. The study analysis GEREGGS ‘ public presentation in 2008 from their one-year study, and measure its attraction of investing.Fiscal PerformanceBased on the Amalgamate Income Statement ( line 1 Appx. 1 [ Page 5 ] ) , the entire gross revenues ended 27 December 2008 increased by 7.1 % to & A ; lb ; 628.2 million ( compared to & A ; lb ; 586.3 million in 2007 ) , including a 4.4 % rise of like-for-like gross revenues growing. At the same clip, the distribution and merchandising costs rocketed from & A ; lb ; 278.7 million ( 2007 ) to & A ; lb ; 306.6 million ( 2008 ) , by 10 per centum. On the contrary, the net income before revenue enhancement reduced from & A ; lb ; 49 million to & A ; lb ; 45.1 million ( Line 9 Appx.1 [ Page 5 ] ) , a decrease of 7.8 % excepting belongings additions, restructuring costs and exceeding pension recognition, which is non really satisfactory but still acceptable under such fortunes, the clients are delicate and losing assurance. Meanwhile, the operat ing net income dropped by 2.6 per centum to & A ; lb ; 48.6 million ( 2007: & A ; lb ; 49.9million ) . Partially for the ground of the higher Significant addition in energy and ingredient costs therefore more dearly-won of the distribution and merchandising. From the figures above, 23.6 per centum of its hard currency flow contributed to assets. 41 net stores freshly set up in 2008, which are somewhat more than 34 in 2007. Second, the P/E ratio in 10.5 % is still acceptable during the vulnerable economic period of planetary crisis. Third, as a company supplying fresh nutrient, the stock list turnover was keeping at a typical high degree. What ‘s more, the working capital of company is lower than favourable line, nevertheless it dues to the low stock list and to the full usage of hard currency. Finally, the ROA and ROE ratio were keeping singular at 15.4 % and 23.0 % severally. As a investor, GREGGS is an perfectly attractive pick.PositionHarmonizing to the appraisal of GREGGS ‘ fiscal public presentation, a satisfactory consequence was obtained. The entire gross rocketed above 7 per centum, although the net net income is somewhat declined compared with 2007. The economic crisis created series of concatenation actions to the c ompany ‘s day-to-day operation. Since the significant additions in natural stuffs, a higher cost of gas, electricity and fuel straight impact on production and distribution. Meanwhile indirect effects besides raised the cost throughout the supply concatenation. What ‘s more, the increasing cost of ware affected the cost of its indispensable constituents of merchandises, such as flour, meats, wheat, and so on. In order to cover the impact of planetary rising prices, GREGGS improved their efficiency and made accommodation on selling monetary value. Although it is a manner to keep gross, a hazard of disputing clients ‘ trade name trueness merged from such action. Obviously they conquered it good by effectual work on quality, freshness, gustatory sensation and friendly service. From the figures of last Chapter, the Quick ratio besides named Acid trial is a portion of measuring liquidness in short term. It indicates if a company has adequate short-run buttockss to cover its current liabilities. A favourable figure in most of industries is 1:1, but for a nutrient company running under a tight liquidness ( Acerb trial: 36.7 % ) is besides a common happening. Another portion is long term, which is besides called Gearing ratio, measures the relationship between long term liabilities and stockholders ‘ equity. 19.3 % ( Appx.2, Cal. 19, P12 ) is an acceptable degree for stockholders, the involvements on long term debts is controlled to some extent. The company was besides engaged on betterment of their methods of bring forthing nutrient. For a long clip, GREGGS bakeshop made a bulk of its merchandises under its ain formulas, therefore a considerable regional fluctuation. In the last twelvemonth, they implemented a programme in order to consolidate their merchandises. By the terminal of 2009, 80 per centum of merchandises would be harmonized across the state. At the same clip, they responded effectual on clients ‘ demand. Set repast on lower monetary value and inventions of new spirit were introduced to consumers. Equally good as welcomed pieces such as hot sandwiches and pesto baguette would be expanded into more net stores. Besides the chief service they provided, GREGGS made a singular part on societal duty. Firstly it provided a favourable working environment and competitory intervention to employees. They provide scope of public assistances such as, private medical intervention, psychological advisers, and wagess for people. Second, a scheme named ‘ Making a Difference to Communities ‘ is good performed. The GREGGS ‘ Trust founded in 1987 was still running good on roll uping financess to back up local charity. In 2008, they raised and distributed & A ; lb ; 1.8 million assisting local communities. The GREGGS Breakfast Club is supplying free, healthy nutrient for over 6,000 primary school kids. The activities of bettering their merchandises help GREGGS with its selling place, and the repute from taging a difference to communities helps them with their societal positon. Based on the company ‘s satisfactory public presentation on fiscal place, the sensible mark of following twelvemonth would be good accomplished.Cash FlowTake a glimpse at the Cash Flow statement ( Appx.1 Page 7 ) , ( 49 ) hard currency generated from operations was & A ; lb ; 44 million, a 28.6 % decrease by & A ; lb ; 62 million ( 2007 ) , & A ; lb ; 41 million is contributed to ( 50 ) acquisition of belongings, works and equipment compared with & A ; lb ; 42 million in 2007, and ( 59 ) cyberspace hard currency from funding activities was & A ; lb ; 36 million ( 2007 ) to & A ; lb ; 15 million ( 2008 ) . First of wholly, 56.5 % of financess obtained from operations and finance activities were used in investing. Harmonizing to company ‘s program in 2009, there will be an enlargement of net stores. The proportion will travel up. On the other custodies, 7.1 per centum of its hard currency flows were generated from gross revenues. Compared with 10.5 % ( 2007 ) , the increasing cost of natural stuffs contributed to this difference. Last of all, the operations Cash Flow to Current Liabilities Ratio was 96.8 % in 2007, reveals less hard currency influxs therefore more investing of capital.Decision and RecommendationTo sum up, as the biggest nutrient retail merchant, it suffered a respectable impact from increasing universe rising prices. Without inquiry, the twelvemonth 2008 is a important point at GREGGS flight, where they accomplished an acceptable public presentation. In the following twelvemonth, a program of simplifying operations and doing farther enlargement is good prepared. A s figures mentioned before, GREGGS was keeping a comparatively high volume of stock list to equilibrate the impact of lifting cost of stuffs. Under the economic background is unbending up, it would be better to runing at low stock list. Their first measure of fiscal accomplishment in 2009 is a 3.2 per centum of addition in entire gross revenues and a 1.0 per centum of like-for-like gross revenues growing by 7th March, 2009. Sing the conditions influence on their gross revenues, it is a sensible aim. However they underestimated the recovery of the economic position and consumers ‘ assurance.MentionsGreggs Annual ReportDun & A ; Bradstreet Industry and Financial Consulting Services.Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios. Murray Hill, NJ: Dun & A ; Bradstreet Industry and Financial Consulting Services, 2002.Investopedia Dictionary. 14 May 2003. & A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; .How do I measure a company ‘s fiscal public presentation? Rollins College Olin Library. & A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ;
Friday, November 8, 2019
A pink wool knitted dress, by Ted Hughes and Sonnet XLIII by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Essays
A pink wool knitted dress, by Ted Hughes and Sonnet XLIII by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Essays A pink wool knitted dress, by Ted Hughes and Sonnet XLIII by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Paper A pink wool knitted dress, by Ted Hughes and Sonnet XLIII by Elizabeth Barrett Browning Paper Essay Topic: Anne Sexton Poems Literature The Poems of Ted Hughes The first poem I intend to analyse is, A pink wool knitted dress. This poem is not written along conventional lines, since it does not employ the use of sonnet or stanzas of four lines. Indeed there are three lines in the first stanza while the fourth stanza could be a sonnet in itself as it consists of fourteen lines. All the other stanzas are of differing lengths as are the lengths of the lines. In terms of rhyme in many of the poems I have previously read the last word in each line often rhymes with the last word in the next line or the second next line. This sort of rhyming occurs in Barrett Browning Sonnet XLIII where the second and third lines rhyme as do the first and fourth. This pattern continues throughout the poem. Hughes writes in run on sentences, some of which carry on into the next line, in fact the style and structure of the poem reminds me more of a piece of prose than a poem. One might consider it to be reminiscent of Shakespeares blank verse it could of course also be modern style free verse. This poem itself focuses on Hughes wedding day. In the initial verses, he talks about himself, about the absence of his family, his best man who was the sexton and then about his bride. The wedding doesnt seem particularly well organized, a common characteristic of many weddings which took place in the months following the Second World War. It is so ill organized that he has to requisition the sexton as his best man. The solitary guest was the brides mother, Your mother, brave even in this, U. S foreign affairs gamble, acted all bridesmaids and all guests, even magnanimity- represented, my family. It seems they didnt have the time or money to buy their wedding clothes in Harrods! The only new item Hughes had was an umbrella. His outfit consisted of My tie- sole- drab, veteran RAF black- Was the used-up symbol of a tie? My cord jacket- thrice dyed black, exhausted, Just hanging on to it. And the bride was wearing a pink wool knitted dress. The story is told in a very low-key manner and this brings me on to a discussion of the language used. One would have expected the poet to use an elaborate, descriptive style more fitting to the occasion. He chooses not to. The words Hughes uses are purposely starkly drab. Such as smudged, sole- drab, utility, odd, spare, squeezed, and Packing children into a bus. He also uses words, which remind us of the recent war, Post war, utility, conscript, veteran, requisitioned. Because of the recent war effort clothes, di cor and furnishings were extremely grey and uniform. There are few colourful aspects of war. Despite this, humour is evident for example Hughes wanted to be married in Westminster Abbey, where the Royals are married but has to settle for the humbler St George of the Chimney Sweeps, and a borrowed best man. How can this be a love poem? The whole flavour and texture of the poem is so mundane, workaday and prosaic, just like any other day. Does this reflect Hughes innermost thoughts about his wedding? That is certainly the impression he gives me. So how is it a love poem? The answer lies in the last two stanzas where Hughes addresses his bride in language that is quite different to that used in the previous stanzas. In the second last stanza the language contains heavenly imagery, Transfigured, brimming with God, the heavens open, Riches ready to drop upon us, levitated. What a contrast to what has gone before! Not drab but uplifting and celestial. But is Hughes describing a person whom he loves or some image he sees in her? Is it what she can do for him, not what he can do for her? The last stanza seems to reflect the poets notion that his bride is crazy about him and simply cannot take her eyes off him. Nowhere in the poem does Hughes describe a similar intoxication for her. This poem is the embodiment of what Ted Hughes sees and portrays himself as a poet. Imagine what you are writing about. See it and live it Look at it, touch it, smell it Listen to it, turn yourself into it. A contrasting piece is Sonnet XLIII by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. This poem is taken from, Sonnets from the Portuguese, and is of course, number forty-three. As it is a sonnet it has the usual fourteen lines and there is a regular rhythm for which the octet is ABBA while the sestet, ABAB employs a variation. Apart from that the other features are pretty uniform and standard. All of Barrett Brownings sonnets are written in similar form. The poem has a definite rhythm e. g. n the first line certain words are stressed such as those underlined below; How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. This pattern continues throughout the poem e. g. line five. I love thee to the level of everydays. The rhythm stresses the important words such as, love, depth, breadth, height. This rhythm gives the effect of being from the heart; deep, emotional and heartfelt. The poem is totally concentrated on one theme only, love. This is quite a contrast to Ted Hughes poem, which contains black humour, a narrative, and a much lighter attitude to the relationship. I feel this poem has a religious intensity which is reflected in the uses of key words and phrases such as, depth and breadth and height, My soul can reach and also in the lines, I love thee with a love I seemed to loose, With my lost Saints A notable aspect of the poem is the fact that the title is numbered, as are the Psalms in the Book of Psalms. Furthermore, the language of this sonnet is reminiscent of the Language used in the Psalms. This idea supports my opinion that The poem expresses a certain religious intensity. The poet uses repetition for effect and emphasis, she uses the words, I love thee seven times and in the middle of the poem, she starts each of these lines with, I love thee The last three lines have a particularly spiritual effect, looking forward to love eternal after death. Browning herself suffered ill health and that she was conscious that death was never far away so this possible morbidity could arise from that feeling. It is ndoubtedly very intense. Both poems differ in many obvious ways. Ted Hughes poem is much longer, he has quite a different style and approach, his piece tells a story with a certain amount of wry humour and diversity. Only in the last part of it does Hughes concentrate on the theme Of love whereas Barrett Browning is totally concentrated on the love theme. Of course both are structurally quite different and different also in both tone and language. Hughes uses inclined, common and everyday language while Barrett Brownings is austere and devotional like the language used in a prayer. Perhaps, in the final analysis, Ted Hughes approach to ove is not quite as serious and faithful as Elizabeth Barrett Brownings. She expresses her love in depth, breadth and Height while Hughes expression of love somewhat appears to be more shallow and perhaps less sincere. Does Hughes love his bride merely because she loves him? While Barrett Browning appears to love her partner for his own sake. I prefer Ted Hughes poem, basically because I feel it is more true to life, the storyline is also interesting. This is a stark contrast to the quasi-religious intensity of Elizabeth Barrett Brownings sonnet, which I find too overpowering and totally redolent of the early Victorian ethos.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Learn a Popular, Demanding French Idiom
Learn a Popular, Demanding French Idiom The French verb demander means to ask and is used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to apologize, ask for mercy, wonder and more with this list of expressions using demander. Demander is a regular -er verb and takes regular (classic) endings for its tenses. One frequent mistake that English speakers make when using this verb is demander une question. This construction doesnt exist in French. Instead, you would say poser une question. But someone can ask why: Il ma demandà © pourquoi (He asked me why). And you can ask someone for something: Je vais demander un stylo Michel (Im going to ask Michel for a pen). The Many Meanings of Demander to askto ask for, requestto apply forto require, needto send for Common French Expressions With Demander demander de laideto ask for help, assistance demander aide et assistanceto (formally) request aiddemander parler quelquunto ask to speak to someonedemander quelquun de infinitiveto ask someone to do somethingdemander voir quelquunto ask to see someonedemander le divorceto apply for divorcedemander grà ¢ceto ask for mercydemander limpossibleto ask for the impossibledemander la luneto ask for the moondemander pardon quelquunto apologize to someonedemander la paroleto ask for permission to speakdemander une permission (military)to request leavedemander la permission de infinitiveto ask for permission to infinitivedemander une questiondemander un service / une faveur quelquunto ask a favor of someonese demanderto wonder, to ask oneselfse demander bien pourquoito not be able to figure out why; to ask yourself whyCela ne se demande pas !Thats a stupid question!Il est parti sans demander son reste.He left without a murmur.Que demande le peuple ?What more could you ask for?Je ne demande qu vous voir.All I ask is to see you. Je ne demande pas mieux que infinitiveI ask for nothing more than to infinitiveune demanderequest, claim, applicationun demandeurplaintiff, petitioner, callerdemandà © (adj)in demand, sought after
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Post industrial and information society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Post industrial and information society - Essay Example The transition from manufacturing industry to service sector and putting more emphasis in education in the current society can be described as an information and post industrial society. Information technology is currently employed in the service sector and in communication (Harvey, 1990, p.4). This can describe the present society as post industrial and information technology oriented. A number of countries around the globe are going through a period of information change as a result of post industrial society effects. The features of both post industrial and information societies describe well the current or the present society. But the concept of information society best describes the present society. This is because the present society is majorly characterized with the rapid change in information technology, use of information technology in provision of services and the use of information technology to improve communication from the traditional modes of communication. The post in dustrial society which emphasizes on education to improve the quality of life for humans makes use of information technology to achieve this goal. The post industrial and information societies are share close features. The current world can be described as a joint post industrial and information society. The transition from manufacturing production to service industry is largely aided by the development of information technology. This is part of information society. ... It is characterized by the rise of professionalism and scientists in special areas, and the transition from production of goods to service industry. The information society is a society which involves the establishment, sharing, diffusion, utilization and information manipulation as an important economic, cultural and political activity. Through the economic exploitation of comprehension, wealth is established. Information technology is the prime factor and central to the role of economic production to the society. The present society can be described as an information society in that; it highly embraces the use of information technology in a productive and creative way. The knowledge economy is a counterpart to information society in terms of economy. It involves the creation of wealth by exploitation of understanding economically (Webster, 2006, p. 3). The features which have been experienced in the current society indicate that humans are in a new era of society. The present infor mation society is characterized by information consciousness, advancement of the information sector, empowering information, using information as part of an economic resource, and development of an information industry. Information sector is developed in order to contain the need of information services and facilities by the society. Countries are developing their information sectors in order to keep with the pace of rapidly changing information market internationally. The information sector of several countries is facilitated with telecommunication networks and computers as part of their technological infrastructure (May, 2002, p. 5). To compare the two concepts of post industrial and information societies, there is a transition of the society
Friday, November 1, 2019
Enron and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Enron and Ethics - Essay Example Arthur Anderson was recognized by the industry as one of the most prestigious accounting firms in the world. Even though the accounting scam Enron was running was a bit complex, a top accounting firm such as Arthur Anderson should have been able to recognize the accounting irregularities. The accounting firm turned a blind eye and they let the accounting scam continue for years. The Securities and Exchange Commission also did not do a good job of recognizing the scam in time. The SEC failed to perform its job of protecting the investors since they had at their disposal every annual report of the company with its financial statements and they fail to notice the scam the firm was running. The ethical meltdown the firm endured occurred because the executive managerial staff of the company was greedy and extremely unethical. They envision the company as the market leader in its industry when in reality the company had a business model that was completely flawed. At the end of the debacle when things were going down and the scam was revealed the top executives sold their shares fast before they completely lost all their value. The scam was such a secret that even president George Bush was a big backer of the company (Lashinsky, 2001). 2.
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