Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay on Lewis Carroll - 1776 Words
Lewis Carroll Lewis Carroll is a well known and talked about author, whose writings have stirred up much controversy. His work has inspired ballot, puppet shows, and even music videos. (Vink). Lewis Carroll is an outstanding English writer because of his background, his position in English literature, and his many works, such as his novel, â€Å"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.†â€Å"‘Lewis Carroll,’ as he was to become known, was born on January 27, 1832 (Leach 1). He was raised on a parsonage that was located in the middle of a cornfield. The family even raised livestock to supplement their income. Carroll was the oldest of four boys and seven girls. He referred to his mother as â€Å"‘one of the sweetest and gentlest†¦show more content†¦This has led to much controversy in today’s society; but before Freud and his psychosexual motives, there were no thoughts such as those that his theory proposes. â€Å"These photos were troubling by some, genius by others†(Vink). He all together took about two thousand photographs in twenty five-years. Some believed that â€Å"there must have been been a sexual side to it but very much under control†(Vink). In 1881, Carroll suddenly gave up photography and his lectureship, â€Å"making people suspect his intentions toward his models†(Vink). Others believed that â€Å"... the likely reason was his desire to devote all his time to his writing...†(Blake 58). In 1867, he toured Russia and Europe with a friend. He then bought a house in Guildford. He did this because both of his parents were both dead at this time, and his unmarried sisters needed a place to live. He then devoted the rest of his life to his writing. He died suddenly on January 14, 1898, of a violent case of pneumonia. â€Å"Carroll was a writer from the earliest age†(58). He began writing a series of family magazines for the amusement of his family. â€Å"The first, begun when he was about [fourteen], and was called Useful and Instructive Poetry and consisted of humerus verses†(Carpenter and Prichard 98). While at Oxford, he published a series of mathematical textbooks, at least half a dozen, that were designed to help his students with theirShow MoreRelated Lewis Carroll Essay1459 Words  | 6 Pages Lewis Carroll is one of the most well known Nonsense Writers. Though using nonsense in poetry has been dismissed as simply quot;for entertainment purposesquot;, most nonsensical poetry acts as an allegory, has deep symbolism and leaves the door wide open for varying interpretations. Lewis Carroll has utilized this sense with nonsense through his poems and prose found in his novels Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass . Through Carrolls interactions with his close friends and familyRead MoreEssay on Lewis Carroll2377 Words  | 10 Pages â€Å"Jabberwocky†Lewis Carroll Jabberwocky: Sense or Nonsense Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. quot;Beware the Jabberwock, my son The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!quot; He took his vorpal sword in hand; Long time the manxome foe he sought-- So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood awhile in thought. And, as in uffishRead MoreLewis Carroll: A Brief Biography785 Words  | 3 PagesLewis Carroll Lewis Carroll was born on January 27, 1832 in Daresbury, England. His real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, but is known by his pseudonym Lewis Carroll. His mother was Frances Jane Lutwidge and Father was Charles Dodgson and he had a grandfather named Charles Dodgson who was an Army Captain. Lewis Carroll’s father was the Bishop of Elphin. He was the eldest son and third child in a family of seven girls and four boys. In 1846 his education began at a rugby school in Warwickshire,Read MoreTaking a Look at Lewis Carroll1960 Words  | 8 PagesLewis Carroll was born on January 27, 1832, as Charles Lutwidge Dodgson to a family of workers in the army and Church (and a whole family full of Charles’). His great-grandfather, also Charles Dodgson, had been a bishop. His grandfather, another Charles Dodgson, had been an army captain and ended up being killed in battle, leaving two children behind. The elder son, Charles, went to Westminster and then Oxford. This Charles marr ied his cousin in 1827 and became a country parson. Out of this marriageRead MoreCreator Of A Wonderland, By Lewis Carroll1857 Words  | 8 PagesA Wonderland: Lewis Carroll Through worlds of madness, Charles Dodgeson, working under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, represented his beliefs imprinted upon him from childhood and adulthood into his writings reflecting his views. Carroll used his views concerning English society in the 19th century to influence his writings such as his poems and Alice in Wonderland by reflecting his worldview into the lives of his characters. Through his Christian upbringing and beliefs, Lewis Carroll developed unconventionalRead MoreGoing Further Into Wonderland By Lewis Carroll1081 Words  | 5 Pagesis something many people struggle with. Imagine you are a young girl, soon tumbling down a hole to a whole new world. Lewis Carroll shares the story of a girl named Alice. The book is a fun and creative story, but shares the struggles of a young girl finding her identity. The style of Lewis Carroll is often described as symbolic. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is written using many symbols. The symbols show children’s identity changes while entering adulthood. The symbols of theRead MoreAlice s Wonderland, By Lewis Carroll1659 Words  | 7 Pagesthe world am I? Ah, THAT S the great puzzle! †(Carroll) This quote is from the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll. He was man that had a passion for many different professions and hobbies. Carroll did not let one profession define him. Every day he decided who he wanted to be and how he was going to express himself. Most people in the nineteenth century were not lucky enough to get to do what they loved every day, like Carroll was able to do. He discovered not only what heRead MoreA Very Intelligent Man By Lewis Carroll1258 Words  | 6 PagesPeople often perceive the truth in numerous ways. Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice s Adventures in Wonderland, illustrates this as one of the many themes in the novel. Carroll a very intelligent man, often known by his real name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. At the age of twelve, he attended Richmond Grammar School a well known public school. Most of his publications included math books. Dodgson came from a family with eight younger siblings, which enabled him to deve lop the knack of amusing youngRead MoreHuman And Animals By Lewis Carroll 1865960 Words  | 4 Pages Have you ever tried to know how people or even the animals thinking. Both, human and animals can be very talents have a different way of thinking.†Alice in Wonderland†the novel was written by Lewis Carroll 1865 presented to his readers set of themes. In his fancy novel. His desire is to help the children to know how they are doing in their community and how to keep a relationship .He presented the exciting moment of Alice adventures that includes meeting with intelligent animals who canRead MoreLewis Carroll s On The Restriction Of Expression1007 Words  | 5 PagesLewis Carroll’s Commentary on the Restriction of Expression Lewis Carroll is the pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, who prefered to keep his identity secret. Dodgson was born on the 27th of January, 1832 to Charles Dodgson and Frances Jane Lutwidge in the small village of Daresbury, located in England (Smith, Karen). Carroll authored tales of fiction geared towards children and works of nonfiction focused on the specifics and complications of mathematics. Carroll began writing at a young age;
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Crime Prevention Strategies in the US - 1367 Words
Welcome to the United States, where we have a larger number of detainees than teachers, and that must say a great deal in regards to our framework. Wrongdoing is an issue that has influenced the United States and different parts of the world since the start of time. For the United States, the equity framework utilizes discipline as a technique to diminishing wrongdoing the nation over, however would it say it is truly meeting expectations? Some might say that discipline is the best manifestation of forestalling wrongdoing since it keeps the lawbreakers withdrawn from the world. Since the crooks are bolted up and serving their time, then that will be a route for the criminal to not precede their vicious demonstrations once he or she is back†¦show more content†¦Here, Steinberg shows the criticalness of a family’s inclusion in their youngsters prosperity. He goes on to say that â€Å"Many young people who are violent have been raised in homes that have been, if not tec hnically abusive, hostile and conflict-ridden†(33). By this, he states that once a youngster is utilized to viciousness enough in their surroundings, theyre inclined to submit a fierce follow up on their own without seeing it as a major ordeal. By constructing a program where we enforce better education or awareness on these criminals, we may be able to give them a second chance at better themselves. One program I accept wasnt compelling was the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program, otherwise called DARE. This system is utilized to instruction youngsters and teenagers crosswise over America to stay pill and savagery free. Funding for this system are in the billion dollar go yearly, however would it say it is worth the trouble? Studies from the Sample and Methodological Characteristics of the DARE Evaluations indicate that the system isnt gathering the base rules for adequacy as the U.S. Government thought it might be. It has been suggested that DARE may have delayed effects on drug use behavior once pupils reach higher grade levels says Susan Ennett, a teacher in the Department of Health Behavior and Director of the HB Doctoral Program.Show MoreRelatedUsing Material from Item a and Elsewhere, Assess Sociological Views of Crime Reduction Strategies.841 Words  | 4 Pagesassess sociological views of crime reduction strategies. (21 marks). There are numerous different types of strategies for crime reduction. These include crime prevention tactics which are suitable for whole societies, and also forms of punishment which are suitable for individuals. Crime prevention strategies include situational crime prevention, environmental crime prevention, and social and community crime prevention. 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Furthermore, understanding the cause of juvenile delinquency is an important key in its prevention. In order to understand the cause of juvenile delinquency the history of the juvenile justice and the varies approach to prevent it must be examined. â€Å"The history of the juvenile justice in the United States began during the colonial period†Read MoreCrime Prevention Division Essay969 Words  | 4 Pagesdepartments is the Crime Prevention Division. In 1972, the original Premise Protection Squad turned into the Crime Prevention Squad. Over the course of six years that squad grew into the Crime Prevention Section (, N.d.). The Crime Prevention Division is comprised of four sub-units; the Borough Liaison Team, the Training Team, the Security Team, and the Special Projects Team (, N.d.). This division is aimed at helping the citizens and businesses of the City of New York with crime deterrent programsRead MoreThe Crime And Crime Prevention878 Words  | 4 Pagesaffect each and every one of us, such as cancer or Ebola. One that stands out is the rise in crime in America. Crime is huge in America although law enforcement say they are doing something about and have it handled, the truth is it is out of c ontrol. Stated in America.Net in an article online â€Å"Attorney General Eric Holder spoke at the Project Safe Neighborhoods annual conference in New Orleans on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 and endorsed three crime control strategies. Law enforcement through cooperativeRead MoreThe Evolution of Technology in Policing647 Words  | 3 Pagesregulated closely, highly decentralized, and uncoordinated, to a civil service system that permitted greater communication and shared resources. Technology was instrumental in policing communication and strategies since the early 20th century. Early police forces relied on technology for patrolling and crime solving. The telegraph, for example, was used by cops on a beat to communicate back to headquarters (Foster, 2005). Two-way radios further facilitated officer communications between each other andRead MoreCrime in our society836 Words  | 4 PagesThe task of fighting crime is becoming more complex, and therefore more challenging. Criminals are becoming more organised and sophisticated, operating with little regard for national boundaries. What is Crime? Crime has so many faces, and is perpetrated by people at so many different levels of our society that you may ask yourself what exactly it is. The answer is simple; crime is any activity in conflict with a just law - laws made to protect the citizens of this country and enforced by our
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Taking a Stand on Land Forestry Wildlife Management
From the age of 15 I have had a job and was always better at work than school. It wasn’t until recently that I began to look back and decided I needed a change so, I made the choice to start college. My love of fishing and the outdoors made the decision easy when it came to choosing my major, Land Forestry Wildlife Management. Although the decision came easy and I feel it is the right career for me, there are many issues, positive and negative, related to my field. Land Forestry Wildlife Management does a lot of good for people and animals but can also hurt. Prescribe burning, wildlife control and forest management are all big issues related to the field. Prescribed burning, also called controlled burns, has many different purposes. The American Indians set fires to stimulate the growth of plants and keep areas open to produce food (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources). Prescribed fires help improve wildlife habitat and land quality. After the burns, the brush g rows back greener and lusher, providing nesting areas for animals such as deer. In addition, prescribed fires are a cheaper way to manage vegetation as they require no bulldozing, cutting, or chemicals (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources). Many argue that prescribed burning can be dangerous. To that I say with everything there is good and bad. You must weigh the pros and cons and decide which outweighs the other, for me that is the pros. Prescribed burning is a wonderful land managementShow MoreRelatedThe Joys Of Ffa1450 Words  | 6 Pagesrecourses based area due to what the competitions have taught me. Also it is my belief that it is important to provide FFA members with the opportunity to participate in various competitions that are provided through FFA such as soils, forestry, wildlife management, nature interpretation, and envirothon because they can teach them different skills first hand that can be used for future employment or in their everyday lives. The first competition that I participate in on yearly bases is the soils competitionRead MoreHurwitzs Influence on Pacific Lumber in The Last Stand by David Harris625 Words  | 3 PagesHurwitzs Influence on Pacific Lumber in The Last Stand by David Harris In The Last Stand, David Harris shows that the old Pacific Lumber practiced selective cut and sustained yield forestry as opposed to clear cutting. Under the old management, selective cut and sustained yield were seen as beneficial and a more practical way to manage lumber and timber. 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The acceptance by a public official or employee of travel grants or expenses for travel taking place entirely outside the Philippine (such as allowances, transportation, food, and lodging) of more than nominal value if such acceptance is appropriate or consistent with the interests of the Philippines, and permitted by the head of office, branchRead More Words  | 13 Pagesknown to Maori, soon became of interest to European tourist and tourism itself became the catalyst for a ‘Government’ town. Geothermal and scenic wonders along with Maori culture experiences were and remain the core of rotorua attractions. Farming, forestry, manufacturing, retail and services along with tourism are today the main sectors of district’s economy. The volcan Tarawera and the thermal area of Whakarewarewa are part of the taupo volcanic zone, which is, in turn a section of a fault line thatRead MoreThe Great Northwoods Essay7709 Words  | 31 Pagesof forest depletion and the tragedies that resulted from it. Finally, I shall move into the conservation movement. With the failure of agriculture to take a firm hold, the conservation movement led the government to purchase large tracts of land in an effort to save what little was left of the great forests of Wisconsin. Fires had become rampant within the region, lives were being lost, and the government became determined to correct the situation. I have determined that the end pointRead MoreEnvironmental Issues and the Importance of Connecting With Nature2333 Words  | 10 PagesGlobal Education in Washington shows that new methods and materials that aid in connecting with nature rebind our natural roots with the earth and reduce our personal, social, and environmental problems. Problems The problems or obstacles that stand in the way of our journey to reconnect with nature need to be identified. The fundamental problem, as David Wann writes in his book Bio-Logic, is that our brains-- and technologies-- are still evolving. 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They faced many issues throughout history, and are now facing even more serious problems in our modern society like having to endure racism, discriminationRead MoreChipko Movment5017 Words  | 21 Pagesthe district.-Geography:The district is located in the western Rajasthan of India... , in 1730 AD, when 363 Bishnois Bishnois Bishnois are known to be the first environmentalist in the world as they have known to be following environment amp; wildlife protection amp; conservation since 1485 when environmentalist saint Guru Jambheshwar made it religiously compulsory to Not cut green trees and To be compassionate to all living... , led by Amrita Devi sacrificed their lives while protecting
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Law for Commercial Bank of Australia- MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Law for Commercial Bank of Australia. Answer: According to Justice Mason, the bank did not do any unconscientious bargains because the bank relied on Vincenzo Amadio and understood that he had explained the memorandum of mortgage to his parents. Although, the bank should have disclosed the matters to the parents but since misrepresentation is not established, there is no evidence that bank made unfair use of its power and position. Justice Mason explained that the parent can get relief on the ground if the bank is found guilty of unconscionable conduct and using undue influence in procuring mortgage guarantee from the parents (ACL, 2017). Justice Dean on the other hand had evidences establishing that the relations between Amadio Builders and bank was unusual. Vincenzo Amadio was the biggest customer and the banks interest in getting mortgage was to get security if the company failed. Mr. Vigor, the manager of the bank had good relations with Vincenzo Amadio and he took advantage of the disability and lack of understanding of the elderly couple. The elderly couple was unaware or misinformed about the potential liability of their sons company, hence they agreed to sign for mortgage. Mr. Vigor purposely concealed the facts of the company which he was bound to reveal. Hence according to Justice dean this was an act of unconscionable conduct on the part of the bank (AustLII, 2017). References ACL, 2017. Commercial Bank of Australia v Amadio: (1983) 151 CLR 447; [1983] HCA 14. [Online] Available at: AustLII, 2017. Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd v Amadio [1983] HCA 14; (1983) 151 CLR 447 (12 May 1983). [Online] Available at:
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